I have had a hard week.
Woe is me I know.
Joe keeps asking me what I want for my birthday next month.
Instead of making me smile it irritates me as it reminds me that I am getting old.
I do have a wish though...
Joe is working on our garage this fall and at the very back is a small closet.
I want him to turn it into my office.
My girl pad.
My nook.
My room.
I want a key on a purple velvet string...
(ah wishes)
I am reviewing and giving away some fabulous items from CSN stores this season.
I am always amazed at the crazy awesome amount of coolness over there.
You can buy a bar stool at CSN. 200+ shops!
You can buy a baby stroller!
Shop till you drop!
I am going to look for items for my room of my own!
Please look for my review and giveaway on 30th of October and November here!
via ffffound
You're doing a great job, babe. You really are.
I'm crossing my fingers for your nook. You NEED it.
How awesome would that be! And the picture of that room with the books is incredible. Where is it?
anytime i get asked what i want for my birthday - i reply "a maid"
the sad part is that i am very, very serious!
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