My leg hair is so long it could be braided.
At my 6 week postpartum appointment today I gasped at myself standing naked in the fluorescent lighting while waiting for the doc.
Oh My God.
I also had a lovely chuckle as the doctor
began her birth control monologue...
I don't even want to have sex with myself.
I handed the barista nickels and dimes today and there was dirt under my nails.
Also- What is in fashion this season?
Beuller. Beuller.
I need tips and tricks.
I need low cost/low time ideas of how to get my mojo back.
I need a hand to hold.
(at least my baby is flipping cute.)
photo via here
I've only ever had 1 mani/pedi in my life, but boy does it do wonders for your self-image. After my daughter was born, the best thing I did for myself was shave my legs, then go out all by myself for a haircut. I got an easier style (though I didn't go short). Then the next day, I ordered a bunch of clothes online that would fit my new figure - there was a lot of empire waist going on. Those updates really helped!
The best possible thing is in fashion this season -- leggings! I'm wearing them under everything, especially empire waisted knit dresses. They suck the stuff in that we don't want on display at all, plus it's cute, plus, it's like 1992 all over again.
I agree about the mani/pedi, I got one today, and it's changed my entire world view. (I go on the cheap side with the mani though, and just ask them to paint my nails. they will clean them up first, just a bit, but it's WAY better than painting them myself, and WAY cheaper than a the whole mani shebang)
Ahhhh...motherhood. The land of greasy hair and baggy sweatpants. Don't worry, your fashion sense and your sex drive will return and you will barely remember a time before children. Congratulations on the baby.
BTW, that is my favorite picture ever. Dalla is such a talented photographer.
You need a massage. One where you can just BE in your body without the judgment. I had one this weekend. It helped.
Piper is right- leggings. You need a good pair of boots, leggings, and shirts that show off your great rack. ;-)
I feel like sludge and I didn't even have a baby!
No idea about what's in style, I just always rock the t-shirt, zip hoodie and jeans. I.am.boring.
My only advice is to never, ever, EVER, stand naked in front of the mirror when there is fluorescent lighting.
Love you!
Do you need a morning off to write and think? I can't offer much, but I can watch little ones (I have references and would be happy to do it for free/trade).
Am no fashionista, but leggings/skinny jeans are still hot with boots. Scarves make any old top look hip and big hoop earings always make me feel sassy. Don't worry lady, you're still gorgeous & so are all those boys.
Oh my gosh this photo!
Um, my "baby" is two years old and I have dirt under my fingernails. I just started painting them again- gunmetal gray is in - and it hides the dirt well.
PS you know dirt means we're living, right? :)
Amy, I know you have been to Aveda up on High Street. You need to call and schedule with Stephanie! As of yesterday when she cut my hair they were having a great deal on mani/pedi, really cheap for the both. And if you get a haircut/trim for $19 you get a mini facial (nice hot towel on your face) and a wonderful hand massage included while you lie down for your shampoo. Yesterday was my first time and it was heavenly. I love my cut too! :) Not just trying to sell where my daughter is going to school, just telling you a good deal to make you feel great for cheap... Also Paneras after/before never hurts! ;)
I'm not a Mom, but from what I hear...it will get easier. In the meantime, indulge yourself in good drinks, leggings and cute baby faces.
I have a message for the webmaster/admin here at doobleh-vay.blogspot.com.
Can I use some of the information from this blog post above if I give a backlink back to this site?
During those moments, when you don't feel as if you'll ever be human again...much less a woman, try to remember you'll be able to cover the bags with concealer soon enough.
My love, I don't even know what fashion is ;-)
That picture... makes me swoon.
miss you so much.
First of all: SIX WEEKS??! Woman. You just gave birth. Cut yourself just a wee bit of slack.
2nd: get rid of all full length mirrors in the house. Stick to boobs and up. (big fan of sticking with boobs and up.)
3rd: some cute scarves and a pair of earrings goes a long way. Or if you haven't showered (*when* you haven't showered) you can tie the scarf in your hair. Everyone will rave about how cute you look and you'll laugh that really it's just covering the stringy mess underneath.
4th: eyeliner is my secret weapon/saving grace. no other makeup necessary, just a basic black eyeliner applied through the lashes instead of on top of them, and pop! go your eyes. i never used to wear eye makeup, but once I started with the 5 second eyeliner routine, I can't go back.
You are gorgeous, woman. Your beauty stands on its own, but we've all been there needing a little something for a boost.
Fashion is hard after you have a baby...not sure what it is...I still struggle with it. Since becoming a mom, I've found something just changed and everything looked different, not just clothes, EVERYTHING.
Worst mistake I made after having my daughter was to go shopping too soon. I bought some of the worst clothes in my closet on leave.
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