I think this weekend I will introduce my town to the lady with the crazy big ass hat. My friends made a bit of fun of me in Florida with this hat. It was actually a gift for my friend Jenny. (who I think was secretly glad that the hat was too big for her noggin) I like it. Just like I love my zebra coat and other eccentric things I wear. I know when I am an old woman I will wear way more than purple.
title post- Boomerang 1992
I love it! you look so french-sexy (*dramatically different from american-sexy). wear it with pride, lady!
You look like you're heading out to a wedding in London. In a good way.
It's really fab. I wish hats were more commonplace here.
You must wear that hat about town this weekend, and please document it to show us.
I love that hat and wish I had one too!
You own that hat..seriously.. I love it..
Old women wear purple? Not where I come from. In Italy old women wear black. Or navy or grey. But I will definitely be one old woman wearing brighter colors. Including, but not limited to, purple :-) (which happens to be my favorite color)
Love the hat! Very British ladies who lunch :-)
Can't wait to see you around town with your hat! Our town could use a little fashion.
You go girl! Bring some joy to the world! ;)
I. Love. This. Hat!!! I. NEED. This. Hat!!!
I. Love. This. Hat.
I find the hat very attractive. Your lips look awesome.
I love the hat. It goes with everything. Very incognito in Rio.
I love it. It looks perfect on you.
love this hat this blog....
Your POST is up on my blog today. yippee!!
I think the hat is fantastic, as are you. But that goes without saying.
Thank you so much for the comment you left today about my boy. I have to admit, I shed a tear after reading it. It went straight to my heart. I was looking at this evolution of his personality as change, but you, oh-so-perceptive you, nailed it when you said he is becoming himself. I love that so much. Thanks!!!
Thanks for your comments on my blog Amy - when are you in the UK and where will you be here?
Oh that's an awesome hat! I love that you rock with style, that's brilliant! :)
you will indeed be the freak in worthy worth. just keep washing underneath your arms though so that you stay fresh and french. love the hat! it is almost as big as your heart.
You could "kick ass and take names" in that hat, girl! Work it!
That hat will need it's own pass to BlogHer. But it had BETTER be there!
I'm cracking up. You are so funny!
I like the hat! It's makes you look like a mysterious femme fatale from an old movie.
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