Jackson Pollock on a Chilly Thursday Morning:
Kids are drawn to a mess and hanging some paper or fabric in a tree and providing paint will work out just fine. He did not use paintbrushes but found yard objects like sticks and toys to create this masterpiece. Finn was vibrant with excitement and this is one of the major successes of the week in terms of art. I don't post all the art we try. Try is the word to linger one here. I sometimes find that I rush him and try and expose the world to him before dinner. Sometimes he does not like the lesson or art project I want him to like. He threw down an embroidery hoop last night with disgust. Not his thing. He also informed me that he does not like to paint with cars, he likes to make them go go.
However, JP splatter painting was a massive success and the neighbor man stood on his porch and smoked a cig and watched Finn do the art. He is the neighbor we really don't know much about yet. I think he thinks we are the Boho's of the neighborhood and he really hasn't interacted with us- but I swear I saw sparkles in his eyes at watching Finn. The backyard had a glow all over it that only comes from creative flickering. Here is a book for lesson expansion.
I don't comment enough, but I do read every post and hold a special place in my heart (which is box-shaped, sits on my desk, and emits its own light) for you and yours.
Love the painting!
thank you babe- ditto from me xo
Contest or not...I love your blog! Love the ideas you come up with! I think you are fabulous! You inspire me to try things with my own little critter! Thank you!
I just ran across you while skipping from blog to blog. I love your creativity. As my friend would say "will you be my mommy now too?"
this looks like fun...
Count me in as a semi stalker from Ohio...I do check in for some creative juice.
I am glad to hear that others have art that doesnt take...Elias thought I was crazy when we busted out the glue with cotton balls...way too much fun just pulling them apart and sticking them to the felt board
"clouds mommy" :)
I'm with Jodi, contest or not, I check you daily, "sometimes twice"... XO
I think I would love to try my own Pollock painting like this. What fun!
I check in on you and your great ideas. I don't even remember the chain of blogs I went through that lead me to yours, but here I am (almost daily!) to see what creative ideas you're infusing into your day! Thanks :)
Oops! Was signed in as my husband. I am not "G-Funk"...Thanks, again!
And because I'm curious, how do you plan on displaying Finn's version of a Pollok?
comment, comment, comment. ;) love the art! great idea for our torn sheet!
That is the absolutely best thing I have EVER seen. That is sweet... You are so innovative when it comes to kids and fun... Way to go! AGAIN!!!
thanks everyone- much love xoxoxo
Jodi- I hung it on the art line across finn's room with clothespins.. I will psot it on flickr soon.
I love this... how did you get the paint on the bat... just wondering... but i love your creativity. Just love it.
love this! don't think your comments are over *yet* -- thanks for an outside the box idea of something fun to do now that it's so beayooootiful out.
Your creativity is awe-inspiring! You know that I'm a fan. :D
I was planning to comment before I got to the contest part! Boys and large muscle activity! Great idea. Looks like I can finally comment on blogger.
Hi Amy - I wanted to add a quick comment from the guy camp. I've been a fan of doobleh-vay since first finding you. I also don't comment enough but love every post.
This one is no exception. Great painting!
I love this art idea! You should submit to the Crafty Crow (if you haven't already).
I love reading your creative and inspiring blog. you should totally write a children's' craft/art project book. I'd read it and then make all my neighbors read it, because I'm just a giver that way. Okay, love you, love your blog. The end.
Your blog is the highlight of my day. I read everyday, don't always comment.. but you know how much I love you and your blog..
Another great project .. :) xox
I'll have to try that splatter painting with my kids!
Will you adopt me? Or at least take my poor kids from their uncreative (is that a word?) Mother? Your kids do such fun stuff!
That splatter painting looks divine. We've got a party coming up next weekend for Youngest's 6th birthday. I wonder if I can get smocks and such in time? What a great activity.
awesome amazing ideas. my only critique of the blog is that it makes me feel uncreative.
oh paint love.
pollock schmollock.
this is exactly the kind of "art" my son would love and I'm going to take some inspiration form you on a messy "painting moving" front.
I used to be an anonymous blog reader , til I got a blog and realised that it's kind of intrusive, or like coming to your house for tes and not saying anything. But we're used to consuming other internet content without the need for comment, so it is a strange leap. Anyway. Hello
that should have red "Coming round for tea" *
Just found your blog this morning :)
Crafty Crow sent me here. Great idea. My guy would love this.
Hi, I found your blog through The Crafty Crow :) This looks like such a fun project. As soon as it warms up, we'll definitely do this. Looks like your little guy had a blast!
Ooh, I admit it...I'm a lurker;-) I've been really enjoying catching up on your posts, though! I got here via Simple Lovely, and I'm so glad I did...you have so many great ideas.
This is my first visit but I will be coming back...Great ideas!
New reader. I'd love a gifty :)
I pop in and never leave a comment, so here I am! I am trying harder to leave comments where ever I go....
Looks fun! And I like your idea of hanging it above the bed...
Take care,
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