Monday, April 5, 2010

Tiffani Thiessen and Brady Smith LA baby shower had Little Alouette toys!

Little Alouette
was so thrilled to be a part of actress Tiffani Thiessen and her husband actor/artist Brady Smith's baby shower in Los Angeles. When family members came to us with love of Little Alouette we swooned over the idea of being able to create gorgeous toys for the shower as gifts for the couple as well as for decoration and gifts for the family and friends.
I have always loved Tiffani even way back in the day and it was really neat to be a tiny bit star struck as I filled the order.

Tiffani and Brady expect a bundle of love next month!
Congrats and Little Alouette and the Sharp Family send mad love! xoxo

please do not use photographs without permission xo
photos via Jill Smith


barchbo said...

So basically, you made the favors for Kelly Kopowski's baby shower. And she didn't end up with Zach Morris. Wow.


mommaruthsays said...

That is so awesome! Seriously, what a coup!

Those designs are gorgeous - I'm going to check out the shop now!

maya | springtree road said...

Amy! This is wonderful! Go Little Alouette!

And congrats to Tiffani & Brady! Best wishes. :)

Anonymous said...

oh girl! this is fab and fun and just made of win.


OHmommy said...

Yay, Amy. This is wonderful! And they look amazing.

Emma Bradshaw said...

Wow ~ so cool!

abby said...

Wow! Congratulations!

Jen C said...

So purdy! Love love love!

sarasophia said...

So happy for you---they were the perfect touch to a very sweet celeb baby shower:)

YOU ARE A STAH, dahlink.


Sara Sophia

mari said...

So cool! Congrats on all the love!

Kim Baise said...

Wow! That's Super!!! Congrats LA. Looks like a lovely baby shower.
<3 Tiffany is a cool mom!

linwood avenue said...

that is so cool. love it! i might have to post about it myself from a graphic design angle ;)

Amelia Sprout said...

Go you guys! I totally dig seeing my favorite companies get the props they deserve. I'm sending your stuff to some other Hollywood babies here soon (as I get my act together and do the giant order). I'll see if they'll let me share who I sent them to.

melissa said... flipping cool is THAT!!!??? seriously...90210 and saved by the bell!!
congrats lady, that is awesome!!

Unknown said...

I am SO proud of you and SO proud to be one of your retailers. What a fantastic job! Congrats!!!!!

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

That is so cool - CONGRATS!!

I'm going to be an Aunt again. I'm so glad I met you and found out about your company because Mr. Number Nine is going to get one of your teethers as a gift.

TexasBobbi said...

How exciting.

Momo Fali said...

Holy awesomeness! You are a superstar!

Deb Rox said...

How cool is that? Gorgeous. I think you deserve some of that cake!

paige said...

you are SO cool!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

That's amazing Amy!

I have a soft spot for all of those Saved By The Bell kids...even Screech.

I never watched Dancing with the Stars, but I have to admit that I was loving it when Slater was in the top two.

This is the sign of more wonderfulness to come. And it makes me feel like it's a very small, warm and fuzzy world.

180360 said...

How exciting, Amy! I wish I had a baby to buy some of your toys for... :)

Unknown said...

OK, was so excited didn't get the whole comment in - HA HA!

CONGRATS LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shaqisima said...

Not sure if Williams need Kimi. Would be nice if he could be bothered and chasing the midfield isn't going to help him.


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