don't put the easter basket away yet- simple nature activity for young children
Take a walk with the empty Easter baskets and collect some nature to bring inside. The nature table is a great activity for young children. Simple or elaborate- teaching the children the change of season and experiencing nature together. (and making a corner of yr home beautiful) We have our table on an old low kiddo bookcase.
Yay! Love seeing other nature tables. Ours has one. single. lonely. seed pod on it. So hilarious and sad looking! Soon it will be cluttered with summer flowers. This is what happens when I let my 3.5 year old be in charge.
I cannot wait to fill up the crumb's basket with Spring bounty! Brilliant idea!
I'm hoping to do just this tomorrow. I had a hike planned and now it might rain. We still might go!
Yay! Love seeing other nature tables. Ours has one. single. lonely. seed pod on it. So hilarious and sad looking! Soon it will be cluttered with summer flowers. This is what happens when I let my 3.5 year old be in charge.
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