Monday, March 1, 2010

aden + anais Giveaway and some news

WINNER of the aden+anais package is LeAnna who said...

I love the mela bamboo swaddles! Just recently found out we're expecting # 2, so this would be perfect!
congrats love! Thanks all! xo

I thought it may be fun to share a little baby love with you today
(because today is also the day I thought I would share that we are expecting a baby)
It's true.
End of the summer for us.


Life can surprise you huh? ( I am scared to death!)

So to celebrate:

I loved meeting this awesome company at mom2.0 this year.
I have a BEAUTIFUL 3 part gift for someone so GO HERE to WIN!
COME ON! Celebrate the crazy! xoxoxo amy

photo via


Kyran said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news! xo

Melisa Wells said...

WHAT???? Congratulations!!!

Patti said...

i am gonna love the shit outta yer baby, even though (s)he's already putting a major cramp in our style. ;)

LOVE!! xoxox

thordora said...

WOW! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...


Elan Morgan said...

Yowza! What news! I'm thrilled for you, which is saying something, because babies can kind of freak me out, but with you I'm thrilled. I can only imagine that you make fantastic humans.

ClumberKim said...

Best news!!! Congratulations!

Emma Bradshaw said...

Congratulations, I am delighted for you all x

moosh in indy. said...


I know this great little etsy shop that makes the most beautiful wooden teething toys.


I'm over the MOON FOR YOU MY LOVE!

Piper of Love said...

Oh Amy <3


Patois42 said...

Wow! Congratulations! Great announcement. What style you have!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...


WeaselMomma said...

YAY, for you guys! Congrats!

René said...

Holy smokes! Whee!

TZT said...

Yay! Congratulations mama!

TexasBobbi said...

I am happy for you (did that sound sincere, I am happy but all I see is anger at the moment not at you).

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!!! What wonderful news!

Deb Rox said...

Love love love to you. You are like creative to the zillinth power, Chickee. I hope this is a cozy time for you.

erin said...

wow Amy! Congratulations!!

I can't find my blog said...

How thrilling! You are a terrific mom-What a lucky baby! I wish I could give you a real hug but an internet ((((Amy))) will have to do for now.

And Casey's comment kills me.

Love you bunches!!

VDog said...

Squeeeee!!!! Congrats, sexy!!

Michelle@Everyday Celebrating said...

many best wishes to you!

Joanna Goddard said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! you're going to be an amazing mother! xoxo

Laurie said...

Oh! Congratulations, beautiful. So happy for you.

Hippo Brigade said...

Congrats Mama! What an exciting time

helenjane said...

Hooray! Babies are so cool.

mommymae said...

oh oh oh!!!! congrats!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

So excited for you, Amy! Love you!


Maria Melee said...

I am so happy for you!!!!! OH LADY!!!

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'll miss seeing you, but at least it's for a good reason. You get a pass this year...

Mrs. Stam said...

Congrats we are expecting early this summer!!! This summer is going to be fill with baby!!! So exiting :-)


Mr Lady said...


Unknown said...

so very precious. that fawn and your news. also, i can't believe i never met you at mom 2.0 - especially after all the trouble you went to helping me to find my mystery gift giver! (which the baby LOVES by the way.) so many congratulations.

Jill said...


Christy said...


Pretty Bindle said...

Get the heck out! #3!!! Congrats, girl. I am so excited for you!

Mom101 said...

Let's call it one more baby in the world with an awesome mama. Huge congrats to you all


Blog said...


Bon said...

that's great news, Amy. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats sweet friend, so happy for you. :)

jenny from mommin' it up said...

Woohoo!! Congrats Amy!! It's always fabulous when great people like you reproduce. :)

mediamum said...

Expecting new life can never be anything other than a complete joy. A reminder that for all of us, there is something beautiful in the world that we can journey through and find peace. My most sincere congratulations. :)

sam {temptingmama} said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!!! XOXO

veep veep said...


Tarable said...

Congrats darling! Hearing your wonderful news takes some of the pressure off my uterus...

Angella said...

Congratulations, Amy!! Happy for you guys!

Maya said...

Amy - Congrats!!!

At first I thought you were talkign about a baby deer in the Columbus zoo ;)

You are adorable!!

BOSSY said...

Whoa - congrats, baby! Oh, and not just congrats to the baby. You know what Bossy means... Yay!

bernthis said...

congrats my dear. Phoebe is available to sit for you on the nights in which I am off dating...oh wait, I guess then she's not really available Sorry.

Julia said...

What exciting news! So many babies on the way (and lucky me I get to stay in biz)!

Stephanie Klein said...

What wonderful news! Best wishes for a healthy and mostly vomit-free pregnancy, girly.

Glass of Whine said...

AWWWEE! Amy!! Congratulations! That is so exciting.

Jodi said...


How wonderfully fantastic! Congratulations!!!!


Martha-Lynn said...

Dude-- no way! I am so psyched for you!!! I'm having a hard time picturing you at the pub with a ginger ale, though. Soldier on! ;'}

Secret Agent Mama said...


Love you, Amy! I can't wait to take your baby's portraits. :)

Maggie, Dammit said...


Awwww, girl, yay!


Yay. :)

Momo Fali said...

I will miss snuggling and having you wake me from Ambien hallucinations. Sigh.

But, SO happy for you and your adventure! This baby will be wonderful. This baby will also be another boy.

Kellyology said...

Congratulations! Such very exciting news!

OHmommy said...


Rachel (Hounds in the Kitchen) said...

Don't be scared, number 3 will be great!

Maybe I'll enter the giveaway so I can give your new babe some aden + anais loveliness. Is that cool?

whoorl said...

AAAAAHHHHHHH!! So excited for you!!

180360 said...

Sending you lots of love and happiness, Amy! Hope you are feeling well. Congratulations. xoxo

Alexis said...

Congratulations!! So that's why you can't go to BlogHer!!

Anonymous said...

finally i can talk about the newest of my bestie's babe on the way!!! :) we are so happy fer ya! bsmell and familia

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

This is going to be one lucky little kid!

Julie Cole said...

awesome news...hoping for another posy :) xoxo

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Amazing wonderful news! And that explains the conflict you alluded to for BlogHer '10. But the best possible conflict. Can't wait to hear more. And now I have to go back and read the rest since I hit "comment" as soon as I saw your announcement...

molly said...

oh my goodness, YOU!! I'm SO excited for you!

Gabrielle of Design Mom said...

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Such wonderful news. Thinking of you and wishing you a blissful pregnancy.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

How exciting! Congratulations!

jora said...

Woo Hoo!!!!!! Three is the magic number. :-)

Ed said...

See? That's what happens when you let all that love in here on Fridays. Think Friday might be a good name?

Scary Mommy said...

That's the most wonderful news!!! Congrats!!

RachelDenbow said...

Congratulations! What happy news! I just checked out your shop and love not only your product but the fact that it's really a family production. And that home page song is lovely!

I'd love to have you join us as a sponsor. Feel free to e-mail me for details.

I hope the first trimester has been easy on you!

vincent said...

I swear I had to read that one about uh... ten times... Then I smiled so wide that my face almost broke and tears came to my eyes... WOW! How great! Love to you and yours! All 5 of you! ;)

vincent said...

I had a dream you had a girl...

Mom in Mendon said...

A baby. Your baby! How great.

jess said...

wow! congratulations to all of you!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Congrats! That's soo awesome and exciting!

Unknown said...

Congratulations mama!!!!! What wonderful news!!!
p.s. we love aden and anais wraps too!!

Heather said...

congrats girlie!!


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