I stole this photo from Laura Mayes- thanks baby!
Yo ladies please don't forget about this!
If yr a small business owner or have dreams to be one PLEASE come.
We will learn and play together.
We will laugh.
I promise.
There are 100 other cool nights out all over USA and Canda.
(Kirtsy and Microsoft Office Live ROCK)
Check it out!
You must.
If you live in Columbus or near enough to drive to these AMAZING FREE EVENTS
I will be giving cool things away.
We can sip coffee and wine and have a night just for us.
See you there!
RSVP pretty please xoxoxoxoxo
Greetings, lovely Amy and thanks so much for turning me on to this excellent event! Because of your heads-up, I'm signed up for the San Francisco workshop on 10/26. Hooray!
xo from your fan,
Grace Davis
I wish I could go to YOURS! But I'll have to settle for DC area. I wasn't originally thinking this would apply to me - but I'm now doing some work for my parents where this might be valuable. Thanks for reminding me!
I'm going to the Worthington one on the 26th! hope to see you there!
Very cool-you left a comment on my blog. Yes, I can still go and a friend is too-do I need to re-register? (I'm signing up for follow up comments if you want to comment here.) THANKS!
i'm loving that photo...so jealous that you guys got to hang...and meet the divine miss karey m in person.
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