Wanna give yr kiddos teacher or any teacher in yr life AN AWESOME gift for the end of the year?
I have a copy of 32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny: Life Lessons from Teaching by the delightful Philip Done to give to you!
Actually the amazing author himself will mail you or that teacher a copy this weekend!
This book made me laugh and cry. I love this man. Really. I do. He and I have been emailing for a long time now and his book really grabs you if you have any sort of connection to the education world. It will grab you if yr a parent too. If you have a heart he will open it.
I have had a lot of negativity at times in my life surrounding the state of the education system in America and this books shakes that crud right off and makes me dreamy and idealistic again for what teaching is all about and how learning can be! It makes me miss my school kiddos so much.
His honest and funny book is uplifting without being all Chicken Soup for the soul annoying.
It is the real deal and I am glad that I have it in my library.
I am also glad that I have Philip as a contact now in the world of writing and education.
He's brill!
I think this book should be given at graduation for all teachers. For Realz!
AND he's super nice! He will mail a copy to one lucky reader or teacher!
Just leave a comment and tell me something about yr favorite teacher and I will draw a lucky winner Sat morning!
My son started school this year, and we just LOVE his teacher! She has 18 kids from K-3 in a 1 room school house set up, and they have so much fun :) Wish I had been in her class in school, LOL!
jillian @ PAXbaby.com
I am a former first, second, and sixth grade teacher and would have loved this book! The teacher who most impacted my life genuinely cared about me as a person, and kept hershey kisses in his desk drawer!
I have a friend who is finishing her second year teaching and I can just tell that she is at the place of re-thinking her career choice bc of 'everything else' that comes along with it. So sad to me because I know she has the gift to teach and yet the realities of teaching...well if you can't make them co-exist, what can you do?
Robin wellofcreations@gmail.com
My favourite teacher was my grade 12 English Lit teacher, Mr. Shoreman. He let us move our desks out of rows, set them up any way we wanted, let us sit on the floor, snuck us into the school auditorium to watch play rehearsals, taught us about unconditional love, and his alter ego was an orangutan. Seriously, he was an original. xo
My favorite teacher is my sister Laura. I watch how much work it takes to teach her 2nd graders....and I really don't know how she & other teachers do it.
I'd take sales any day of the week :)
-Carrie S
My favorite teacher was my high school history teacher. He was a tough teacher but we sure learned a lot.
my sister has been a teacher of small children for 10 years and i can say she is so dedicated, and loves 'her' kids so much, to the point where i am constantly subjected (ahem) to stories and pictures of them. she cares so much about their learning, that i sometimes have to tell her 'hey! they're only in first grade!' she would love this book!
ms pam was a fav recently becuase she cared enough to take time with my son who has add but cannot take meds- so he is learning to adjust and readjust with things
My favorite was my 6th grade math teacher. He was soooooooo funny! And I'll never forget he always kept a bottle of BRUT in his desk!
My favorite teacher was my Sr. English teacher in high school. She taught us through literature, but also through openly talking about her life, as an Army nurse in WW2, and when her husband died during the school year. Learned a lot about love and joy and pain and duty.
My favorite teacher was my kindergarten teacher. My mom and I were shopping and we ran into her and I was amazed that she shopped where we did. Back then (1960's)teachers were next to God and I guess I didn't realize they we just like us.
My favorite teacher was my second grade teacher. She made learning so much fun.
My favorite teacher was my son's 1st grade teacher. She had a very giving spirit, and she understood the kids.
charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com
My favorite teacher was my sixth grade social studies teacher. Too bad he's a principal now, seems like the best teachers often get moved up and out of the classroom!
my daughter waswondering what to give her teacher this would be realy nice
my best teacher is the one in 12th grade. He taught me science like no one else ever did.this is a wonderful prize.
my favorite teacher was mr french he was such a nice guy
taught my son how to catch on his reading mverno@roadrunner.com
Love to have this. My favorite teacher was my 3rd grade Mrs. Rottenburg (I swear that was her name). She was always nice and always said hello to me when I saw her outside of school.
My favorite teacher was my kindergarten teacher. Her birthday was on Groundhog Day (Feb 2)
My favorite teacher was my kindergarten teacher. She was so caring and loving and didn't treat us terrible at all. I actually still send her cards, 25 years later!!
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