I think I get it now.
My friend Emily told me a long time ago to get my ass to the gym.
She told me it was the best time ever. I was doubtful. She said it was her time.
I get it now. After being home for two years with my kiddos and working from home I realize there is not much time for me to be alone.
Sometimes I even freak out on Joe and push him away for a hot second when he comes back from the workshop because I just crave myself.
I lust for me.
So the wheels started turning back here and although it has taken me a long stretch of mental freeway -I think I am here. I think I want to kiss Emily right on the mouth and scream and jump up and down and tell her I get it. I also have to resist the urge to high five other mothers at the gym. It's like I know. It's like I can do this thing. I can make it from point A to point B untethered. It's like magic. Blaise loves the daycare room and I love those teachers so much I want to cuddle into their bosoms and tell them thank you in ten different languages when I drop him off.
I walked the track this morning and those lanes, those painted white lines, led me right to solutions to problems in my head. I was able to clear my mind and some issues with work just clicked. I felt so clear and open and focused on me.
Around and around.
And on my ipod there was music blaring
Missy Elliot and dirty lyrics
and I was flying around that track
and if an old man had not been have rocking out the stationary cycle
on the corner bend I probably would have dropped like it was hot
Because that's the morning I have had.
I need the nearest track. NOW.
Yes! I hear you. When I exercise it's something that I'm doing just for me. Maybe the only thing I do all day that is just for me and it feels so good. By the way, doesn't your ass hurt from class on Tuesday?
Yes, it's true. Once you learn it you'll never unlearn how good moving your body is for your psyche, your soul, for your life. I'm so very proud of you and want to give you all the encouragement in the world!
You are fabulous, my dear, sweatband and all!
I have to say it.
Sweatbands rock!
This makes me giddy with happy. GIDDY!
Yep. That's it! I just recently "got it" myself. I actually crave the gym now. Never thought it would happen.
Today was my first day like that too! i've been doing vagercise (jazzercise) for two months and not liking it. (but going because my dad had 5 heart attacks.) but today i actually loved it! i want a sweatband like that though.
You make it sound so desirable! It does feel good to be in the groove with working out and feeling good with your body, that's for sure. I need to get back in that groove!
I love Missy Elliott too! :)
I'm glad you 'get it' now. I've been trying to convince certain people to get started for years: gonna have them call YOU now. haha
rock the 'band, girl. i am telling ya, when you get all hard core, you will rock a wristband too.....i have to as i get older...the sweat poors out from places i didn't know it could. do they have spinning there? you can get lost in a class and really get some big thinking done....xoxo bsmell
Yeah for you! Sweatband and all!!
I have to get my wife to the gym or somewhere without the kids and I. I think that she has that lust thing for herself going on as well.
I so need to 'get it' again... been a long time since i 'got it'. Must get back out there! You've inspired me!
I hope this post is the one that propels me. (And I promise not to kiss you on the mouth if it does.)
Way to believe in your self worth. xoxoxo
"Every achiever that I have ever met says, 'My life turned around when I began to believe in me.'"
Dr. Robert Schuller
Minister and Author
cool - some Me-time for Amy
guess I need a sweatband and I come with you
yes yes yes! i hear that and a whole lot more. yay for you and your kick ass sweatband!
I just joined a gym, too! I think I might print out this post and keep it on my fridge to inspire me to get my tush out the door...
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