I found out about this book called SPENT via my pal Maya.
She wrote a post on it here.
I found myself thinking about the concept of being "spent" and how it applies to me right now.
It is so much a part of how I feel that I am certain when I walk out in the sun there are giant letters S P E N T that appear on my forehead and announce to the world that I am a hot mess.
I know I am tired.
I know I am busy and stressed and working too much.
I am topping that off with trying to be super mom and not let these kids down.
It is a lot and frankly my eating habits were shit this past year.
Overweight or not I am the veggie queen.
I am a very good eater. I eat very good foods for the most part.
I just eat massive volume of food! :)
This past year though I relied on take away and pizza and meals that were sub par too many times. I could feel my nutrition peel away like a skin.
I just knew it was happening, but too tired to do anything about it.
I read "Spent" and then the day after I read it Dr. Frank Lipman 's PR person contacts me and I am all thinking they have my library lending list and am freaked out! But it turns out it was random and we chatted and normally I just don't respond to PR folks in my email, but this felt different. It felt different because I asked to speak to the doctor and she made it happen. I asked to be sent some information and some products and it happened. Dr. Frank Lipman is an amazing man and HELLO I am now two degrees from Kevin Bacon as I see that Dr Lipman treats the Bacon family too!
I digress.
So the doctor is telling me things and chatting to me and I am able to ask him questions.
I like this. I feel way more involved and important in the big machine this way.
So, the book-It really makes sense. It is a lifestyle. It is a kinda detox at first, but it is a lifestyle that calls for care of the body. I know- nothing groundbreaking here, but I felt so much better only after one week of smoothie breakfast with green powder. Honest!
I like it that is has zero to do with weight and all health.
I am not going to type little lies and say my family is doing the program.
Joe and I are not following it to the letter. We are taking a lot of the information and bending it to suit our needs. We went zero processed food and no sugar the week before last. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THIS IS? Hello agave! Hello no condiments!
It was hard and we thought we were already eating minimal processed foods.
We thought we were kicking ass and it looks like sugar was kicking our ass!
This week was not so good as one time we may have gone to Dunkin Donuts- BUT!!!!
It can be work for us- we know this.
We are using less sugar and zero condiments
(save ketchup- help people? sugar free ketchup? Is it real?)
I am unsure of how the rest of the few weeks will go as we try and work the program to fit our life. I am working on some whole body lifestyle things as I talked about a few months back .
I want to be healthier on all levels.
I think it is important to gain back yr energy as a parent and self employed person.
Most of us are sapped. Even my fit and trim buddies are working too much and forgetting to nurture. The world is out there everyday waiting to be explored and I don't want to be tired.
The doctor talks about Ubuntu. Love this- look it up.
We depend on us.
We need to be ready and able to work and parent and live.
I think that this book will give me some good ideas and some ways to step up my pep.
The Dr. is wicked cool and will take questions if you have any for him.
I plan on writing a follow up post soon about how I feel and I can post any questions then.
Just shoot me an email.
What do you feel like? What helps you? Yoga? Wheatgrass? meditation? Sleep? Diet? The laugh of yr child? Yr lover? Sunshine?
great post. i'm still a work in progress, but at least now i know the problem & what to do about it.
good luck! :)
Great post. I'm a friend of Maya's and here via her... I think you're already halfway there by recognizing the need to change things. Good for you!
I feel this way daily. Part of me wants to blame it on being 7.5 months pregnant, but seriously? I have a feeling that's not all of it.
And since I, (usually a decent eater), just ate three pieces of pizza for dinner, I think that perhaps I have some self-evaluating to do.
Oh yes Amy, I too know 'spent'; even my marrow is tired.
I sound like a crazy old lady, but here goes: For the last two years I've found lots of joy and calm in nurturing our plants. Cooking from scratch is my zen.
Also, the mantra (by North Face) 'Never Stop Exploring' recharges my batteries. xo.
Aren't we all hot messes?
I liked that book a lot! But thought that, hnmm, if we're eating only stuff that our grandmothers would recognize, a la Weston A Price Fdn and so many others, then why on earth would I start taking loads of supplements?! That was my only issue with the book. Loads o' common sense. I just ate a donut so reading your post is perfect timing! ;)
I love this post for so many reasons. I am a mess, it is true. We all are to some extent. Love this.
got up early to catch up on my favorite blogs (like yours!) and feel like your post is coming at the right time for me. I am new to this work of self employed artist-only becoming "official" in March - but feel the fatigue ALREADY setting in. Thanks for sharing.
I'm hooked just reading about it... will find book.
No ketchup? Mustard OK?
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