Thursday, September 4, 2008

And love a little longer/And soon you will be there

Dreaming of spooky soundtracks from movies I have long forgotten I loved. The Sweet Hereafter
was a movie that haunted me always.
I think it was the soundtrack that got all up inside my soul most of all. That girl Sarah Polley has been in my dreams for two nights. I am sure it is because I heard one of the haunting songs on the radio recently.

It was one of those strike ya still moments when you realize you have not heard this particular song for a decade. Like ten years at least. And yr rather sure about that. And the songs grabs you and shakes you and flings you somewhere. Like I went back, right back to Athens, Ohio and a small apartment on a hill off Columbus Road where my friend and I would hang out with this amazing woman. She was my professor and mentor for a short time in my life. Everything she said made sense and everything she introduced to me threw light on the fact that I was so young and she was so wise, but because she was not my parent I relished in it. She made us listen to the soundtrack to the movie one still winter evening and I agreed that it was beautiful and haunting. I opened the ear in my heart.

The Sweet Hereafter

Led us, he said, to a joyous land
Joining the town and just at hand
Honey bees had lost their stings
Horses were born with eagles' wings.

The sweet hereafter
Waters gushed and fruit-trees grew
The sweet hereafter
Flowers put forth a fairer hue.

All the little boys and girls
With rosy cheeks and flaxen curls
Sparkling eyes and and teeth like pearls
Tripping and skipping
Run merrily after the music with laughter.

The sweet hereafter
Waters gushed and fruit-trees grew
The sweet hereafter
Flowers put forth a fairer hue
The sweet hereafter
Everything was strange and new.

As they reached the mountain's side
A wondrous portal opened wide
A cavern was suddenly hollowed
The piper advanced the children followed
When all were in to the very last
The door in the mountainside shut fast.

The sweet hereafter
Waters gushed and fruit-trees grew
The sweet hereafter
Flowers put forth a fairer hue
The sweet hereafter
Everything was strange and new.

/ Get me delivered to yr email xo

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