Friday, January 27, 2012

kneed some info on KNEES

My mom is having a knee replacement next month & it kinda freaks me out. 
{bc I love her and hate her having surgery}
Anyone know much about it?
Had one?
Tell me things...
Thanks xo

photo source


Melisa Wells said...

My dad has had both knees (and then both hips! yikes!) replaced. He is doing great. The amount of pain he was in before the surgery was ridiculous. Your mom will be just fine, and most likely way happier.

I would recommend that your mom get the post-surgery exercises before the surgery so she can practice them a little bit. It'll help in her recovery. My dad's recovery was much smoother than expected because he prepared for it.

Lori said...

I know tons of people who've had this done: mom, aunt, stepdad, another aunt, friends' parents... I seem to be destined for it myself, eventually. Common thread: hurts like hell, but very, very worth it. Aunt #2 even claims it didn't hurt much at all, most likely because she was in so much pain from the way her knees were beforehand.

Like Melisa said, do exercises as much as possible beforehand. Good muscle tone beforehand makes recovery go that much faster. And keep up with therapy and exercise after.

Nanna said...

I had a total knee replacement 3.5 years ago. I was in terrible pain and could not walk very far at all. It was a decision I put off too long and would certainly do it again! The main advice I would give is do exactly what the physical therapist says.
Good luck to her and to you!

Nanna said...

I had a total knee replacement 3.5 years ago. I was in terrible pain and could not walk very far at all. It was a decision I put off too long and would certainly do it again! The main advice I would give is do exactly what the physical therapist says.
Good luck to her and to you!

Rachel (Hounds in the Kitchen) said...

My mom had one knee done several years ago. She was really fine during the surgery and after. The first few days post-surgery she was hopped up on painkillers and a little frightening to my daughter, then age 2. She is an exerciser so she did the PT like a champ and is so much happier now that she can walk without pain.

Good luck to your mama and you!

Anonymous said...

Kelly Campbell Mom has had both done. Working the physical therapy after is crucial. She is mobile without pain now but has trouble kneeling down. Mother in law had hers done too. I am hoping loosing weight now will help me keep my "original equipment".
Jennifer Passarello Boyland I know a lot! We will talk. Or we can set-up a phone date with Ian & Sheila. His was almost a year ago ... Feb 26th 2011. We can give you lots of info!!! Also talk to Shawbo!
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Lauren Flaum Debevoise My mom had both done. She is so much happier now! It was awful to watch her hobble around at 52 years young before she had the first one done. Two years later the second knee. Now she has both and can run around after Coco with only normal granny pains to complain about. She had a tough recovery the first time, but the second time they gave her some new injections for swelling that have recently come out, and her recovery was so much faster. She was up and walking (gently) the next day. Surgery is scary, but just remember how much healthier and happier she will be after! Oh and, PT is very crucial!
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Hugs to your mama.
9 hours ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Bonnie Stewart my stepmother was supposed to have one Wednesday. it got cancelled - emergency tied up the ORs, apparently. hoping for next week. curious just to read other people's experiences, as i don't know much about what to expect for her. except, erm, pain, obviously. ouch.
11 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Sizzle said...

My mom had knee surgery about 10 years ago. The recovery was a bit slow but she's doing great now. Mr. Darcy's mom had her knees replaced and she gets a little stiff now and then (she's in her late 60's) but she's better than she was. Recover can be hard but most feel better after. I fear I might have to have knee surgery someday since my knees make a horrible sound when I walk, especially when I go up and down stairs and often after working out (esp yoga) they are sore. Getting old sucks.

I can't find my blog said...

My dad had it 2 years ago, around Thanksgiving. Yes, the recovery is painful and slow but SO WORTH IT. He was playing golf by the following spring.

She MUST go to PT and do the home stretches and exercise. Again, painful but worth it.

Melisa's suggestion of getting the exercises pre-surgery is a great idea. Knowing what's coming will help her-and your- anxiety.


Amelia Sprout said...

My dad has had both done. He also had one full hip (fixing a congenital defect) and a partial hip (clutzy old man fell off a curb!). (also, we call him the bionic man)
She needs to commit, hardcore, to the physical therapy. Like everyone else has said, that is the key. My dad hates how the pain killers make him feel, so he goes as drug free as possible, but whatever she needs to control the pain and do the therapy, she should do.
My grandmother had her's done and didn't do the therapy, and it showed in how mobile she was. I think that is why my dad commits to it so hard. She'll be fine, and likely in less pain once she gets through the first part.


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