She is slowly making her comeback to pie baker extraordinaire
with her new pacemaker and physical therapy.
Who knows where she will end up living- nursing home/apartment/with my parents...
We are just thankful after all she's been through that she is still here.
Oh. these. photos.
So sweet! Looks like Scout has a loving older brother too!
Aw. Thank you for sharing this. I am so happy to see your granny smiling with your new boy.
Hooray for babies! And grannies on the mend.
Oh you are so lucky to still have her, it's true. Just looking at her in the photos makes me cry my ugly I-miss-my-granny cry.
Her beautiful skin, and smile, and hair. I bet I could even guess her smell, it's the perfect 'old woman' smell, isn't it?
Such a treasure.
Scout is perfect too, btw :)
that is such a special moment. I have pics of my 100 yo granny with my kids. Treasure doesn't even describe it.
These are such sweet photos.
These are precious!
So sweet. I'm glad she's doing better!
Your boys are going to thank you so much for these pictures one day! Priceless! Beautiful...
Beautiful pictures. Granny has a lovely smile and some good looking boys there...
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