Breastfeeding is hard. (for me)
Even with my lactation lady and my fairy breastmother.
And now I probably fed my baby beetles the news said yesterday as he is supplemented with some formula when I can't pump like a rock star.
And let me tell you- I am not a rock star with the pump.
I like being good at things.
I get jealous of other boobies.
It's annoying really.
Yeah, but your boobies are the only ones perfect for your sweet baby. Sorry it's tough. I don't think there is anything quite like the panic of not being able to produce.
It is hard. So hard. You're doing awesome.
I'm so sorry. I can understand, and I hope you know my boobs have the best of intentions, as I know yours do, too. :)
Hug Hug Hug
I am so sorry. And I have been there. I had horrible low supply with Charlie. My milk never really came in. Taking 160 mg of Dom a day, pumping like a mad woman, nursing as often as I could -- and still I could only produce about 8 ounces a day. I managed to eeek out a nursing relationship for 10 months. I cherish every minute I was able to nurse Charlie. Too few.
And I am totally pissed at Abbott! We still feed Chuck a bottle or two a day of follow up formula because he hates milk. I have two empty containers and one brand new one -- which means I fed my baby several pounds of beetle juice. Well, guess who is busting open the full can to make three 1/3 full containers to get 3x the refund? F@*k Abbott.
Big Super Mama Hugs to you, you are a ROCK STAR!!!!!
Following up -- your post title hits home. I look at nursing mothers with such longing. Its probably creepy, but I am so jealous the very middle of me tightens up and my eye's well. Its not fair.
It's definitely not easy, but it's worth every moment. My babe and I didn't get off to an easy start, either. Hang in there! I'm sure you're doing a better job than it feels like you are.
Pumping sucks. You're doing great. You know what else is great? Beer. Beer is good for supply, for real. And sanity. Oh! And sanity helps supply, too. Have a beer and no worries.
Even though you envy other boobies you are being awesome and at least giving it a shot. You are totally right that it is hard but you aren't giving up.... that makes you a rock star in my book!
Well - you're a rockstar for trying. I had serious problems with Oliver (my 9 lb newborn lost a full pound in the first week!) and pretty much gave up after a month. Then I didn't even bother with the twins. If I couldn't do it right for one... Some guilt there of course, but I don't beat myself up over it. I DO admire those who persevere though. Supermoms all of you!
My middle baby...the boobs worked and the baby didn't. Pumped until I was ready to smash that bastard with a sledge hammer. the ameda that is.
being a rock star baby feeder and nurturer is all it takes. I wish I knew that then.
I would feel that way too if I was breastfeeding. I worry if I have a kid it won't take. :( You're still good and a rock star.
This is about as real as it gets. Thanks for sharing it. You're not alone.
(And I like your boobies!)
Oh Oh but I understand. I never produced milk. Two babies and a million tries. I get so jealous of the milk some ladies produce. "It just squirts out!" Mine? Maybe got a dribble. If that.
I understand lady. It's not helpful, I know, but I get it. And baby, your boobies are awesome. They work hard for you both. Give 'em a little slack. You are both doing all you can.
Thank you all so much xoxoxo I so so appreciate you.
I had to supplement my second, and you know what? It took so much of the pressure off, and it allowed me so much more freedom than exclusively breastfeeding, that it made it a far better experience. And my supply was probably better without the anxiety of wondering if my daughter was getting enough. And so I ended up breast feeding for more than a year, rather than giving up early. And I gave up pumping because I got almost nothing.
I only made it 6 weeks, got mastitis and quit. It was so hard. I had to pump the whole time since Dex was a preemie. Lord it SUCKED. Try not to beat yourself up - you do the best you can and he will be fine whatever you feed him. Well. Besides Snickers. That would probably cause a nut allergy as well as choke him.
I was jealous of other boobies too! And other babies who didn't cause such pain in their mommy's boobies!
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