I have been up since early morning cleaning and sorting.
I am sticking the two boys together to share a room to make a nursery for the new baby.
It's so funny how the last two times I had a theme and mad ideas and everything just so.
This time round we will be lucky to have the poor babe a stocked and minimal room.
I have to-date bought only 1 thing!
(pack of newborn pacifiers)
It's coming fast (about two weeks) and I am in full on insanity.
Do they call this nesting?
I have cleaned and purged so much that I have a giant pile of donations that nearly take over the play room today. This is a good thing.
We don't have a name yet- just lots of ideas that we throw at each other in the evening.
Finn and Blaise are convinced that we will name him Kidd Sharp because they like it.
We don't know much.
We just know that it has finally come to the place of complete love and anticipation that creeps up daily and tightens our throats.
It's almost time for our hearts to push out and expand again-
to pump and shudder with wild love...
image via fffound
So sweet Amy. I'm just thrilled to pieces for you! xo
This is so exciting!!!
This is so exciting!
I'll admit to actually liking the name 'Kidd'!!
Do you need a blogger baby shower? Or would that just be more stuff? What could we give the child of the woman who makes the most awesome baby gifts ever?
Kidd Sharp is awesome!
With our second, my son wanted to name the baby "Duke" if it was a boy and "Lightpole" if it was a girl.
Kidd Sharp--I love it.
Missed you this weekend.
so excited for you and your family!
I'm so excited for you guys!! The "very" end always seems to go by the slowest. Take care and enjoy your remaining time with the baby all to yourself :D
oh, the excitement of a new baby ready to join the family!! it's electric.
So excited for you - and Kidd Sharp is a fantastic name.
I know that it is hard, but don't forget to get what you need done then try to REST UP! Just what you wrote got me excited... Anticipation! :) Take care of yourself, don't forget!
Sooo exciting!
Sooo exciting!
So exciting! That's exactly what I was doing about 3 weeks ago... Now here it is my due date, and she won't come out.
And I have to admit, I also think Kidd is a cool name lol :)
Congrats :)
thinking of you thinking of you thinking of you
I think Kidd Sharp is perfect! At least for a nickname. Anxiously awaiting from CA!
I love Kidd Sharp! If you can't quite do it, how about Kidd as the middle name?
How about Malachi?
Kidd is awesome as a middle name. What about Rowan?
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