Tuesday, June 1, 2010

for years and years I roamed


Busy weekend. (haircuts and house leaks and lawn concerts and cuddles)
School is winding right down and soon my babysitter will come TWICE a week for me to work/write & I can hardly contain myself.
I am jumpy and nervous and thrilled for this.
I have a BIG project and deadline to complete in 10 weeks.
Oh and have a baby right after that. Yo.
So- is anyone trying to get something BIG accomplished this summer of 2010?
Anyone? If so- wanna make each other accountable?
I need tiny pushes. Little nudges.
I will give as good as I get.
Leave a comment.
Tell me what yr doing.
Let's get shit done!

hello finnian
Finnian so looks like a glam rocker now. Love it.


Maggie said...

Printing & binding my dad's book (finally!) and getting a 2011 calendar finished up, too! I'm with you!

Jenny Ann Fraser said...

OK. I'm in. I need to get my Etsy business started. Starting with making some samples!

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

On the small scale I have to finish a corn hole game and put together the rest of my nephew to be's gift basket. I made him a few things and stopped by to buy him a teether - still having a hard time picking just one! :)

On the big scale I want to paint rooms and bring the pretty to my sewing room/supposed to be guest room/place where furniture goes to die.

mommaruthsays said...

I'm working on a cookbook with my grand-mother and her four sisters. They're not getting any younger and when they're gone, we will all starve! I want to preserve these homemade country recipes while I still can for the next generations of our family!!!!

Oh, and we're working on baby #2!!!

Julia Valdez said...

Working while helping the office/church move to a new location, considering an attempt at potty training #1, and popping out #2 also in 10 weeks! You can do it!

Alexis said...

I'm in!

I'm basically spending the Summer learning how to deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis, trying to get into some kind of shape, and making my home life more fun and manageable.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

TexasBobbi said...

His hair is awesome.

K said...

The Great Purge! This summer I am going to rid our house of all the old clothes, toys, kitchen stuff, junk, etc., etc. . . .

Hey -- any chance you need a baby swing or an exer-saucer -- I'm selling FOR CHEAP!

Anonymous said...

finish learning photoshop and print and sell photos. as a dear friend just said, your photos are too lovely to stay hidden in your computer.

don't you just love friends like that. also, stay on top of my reader because all of my most inspiring friends are there.

hang on, hang tight, and don't think about all of it at once lest your head explode.


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