So I am reading The Sound and the Fury this week.
I made a list of a bunch of novels that I thought I had read and realized I had not.
I choose them also for literary techniques and points of view
as I am a little stuck in my own writing and trying to inspire myself.
I find that when I read other work that is magnificent it can help jump start me.
It's like when I go on vacation with my skinny friends I systematically join Weight Watchers again and look pretty damn good for short spurts.
Faulkner is a cool cat.
So far I am enjoying the human condition in this stream-of-consciousness narrative.
I also made a giant leap and am sending chunks of my novel soon to a person I found via another cool person. He is sorta like an editor or a writing coach/teacher I suppose. He taught at Naropa which was where I wanted to go when I was a big old dreamer in 1994.
It is scary but good for me.
It's strange how when you start to put things out to the universe you get motion.
you get motion that ripples through yr body and sometimes
you have to peek out the mail slot of yr door
to make sure the world isn't rocking
to make sure people are not flying by
and the sky is still the right color
of blue
pic via ffffound
I know people say the first step is the hardest, but I disagree.
I think it's all the steps you continue to take after that first one that become the hardest. That 200th step. That 1,000th step.
Finding motivation to keep walking is the hardest to me. Kudos to you for keeping the ball rolling, keeping things moving, keeping the dream alive.
I am going to be honest, I have sat hear and read this post through 3 times but Ian keeps interrupting but I think you rock so rock on.
I wanted to go to Naropa in 94. It's crazy what we could have had.
Sending huge chunks of your novel to another person .... WOW. That is one huge step, an awesome step.
Good on you mate. Keep going. Keep
checking the sky is the right shade of blue.
whenever you stop or lose your gusto, give me a call, I'll give you the push to keep going until you get that novel in print. You are so talented... the world needs to hear your words!
I too like to plunge into great books for inspiration. I was recently reading Page by Page by Linda Sellers and she says, "Surround your hours with choruses - books and writers and words of the highest quality, in as many forms as you can import into your world. Fill your plate with fabulous words and their originators."
And by the way Amy, that's why I read your blog every day!
oh, man. faulkner. the ss Barn burning is with me forever. hell yeah, you better be sending your work on. and then some more. and some more.
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