Anonymous Holly said...
The prints are all fab :) I adore both FOOD and HOMESTEAD, but ALPHABET is my absolute favorite!
Thank you yourself for sharing your wonderful artwork and thoughts and the smiles they brought me.
CONGRATS HOLLY! xoxo Thanks Greg!

hi there. my name is gregory, i sell art on etsy, and i'm amy's guest today. thanks for reading.
i used to get a lot of christmas cards as a kid. brother, sister, parents, aunts, uncles, old babysitter, godparents, and grandmas who always slipped in a dollar. many of these cards required thank you notes which mom would say needed to be on her desk by the end of the week. late on the final afternoon i would write one master note and duplicate it for each person. all the relatives on my father's side lived within a one mile radius of each other in a small township in the upper peninsula of michigan and i often wondered if they got together and compared thank you notes, discovering they were all the same. and if they did this, i always hoped they realized that there wasn't any laziness in the sameness of sentiment, but instead, as a kid, there are only so many ways to say i love you.
so when was the last time you got a thank you?, as the guest, i'm saying thank you to you and to amy. last year she graciously gave an hour to a stranger over the phone and from those 60 minutes, i'm more of an artist today then i was ten months ago. THANK YOU AMY.
and for you there's a piece of art at – – it's a thankful giveaway. go ahead and take a look...if you see something you like, leave a comment, tell us which one and why, and we'll pick one person to receive their choice as a special thank you for being here yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Everyone else gets a new car. : )
cheers, gregory
art winner chosen by on Monday!
sorry no cars
Arg! The first comment never wins ;)
Still, I must say I LOVE these prints, and if I had to choose, I would go with the states united poster. Genius!
eeek- I'm gregs biggest fam btw.
would love to make my family his 2nd biggest fan
dallas or alphabet? I love them both! Thanks for introducing me to your art!
LOVE LOVE LOVE these exquisite prints! Homestead is my fav. Currently moving away from Cbus to Dallas to put down roots and start a homestead of our own.
I, too, have gotten some encouraging words and a bit of coaching from Miss Doobleh-vay and am growing my little jewelry making hobby. She is a gift!
Cheers to you and I return the thank you to you for sharing your wonderful art with us!
Love the "States United" pieces-very clever AND BEAUTIFUL. And BIG PROPS to Amy for REACHING a hand out to help talented artists up.
These are really amazing. Modern, easy on the eyes but also thoughtful and intelligent. I love them all.
But I think if i had to pick one for my house it'd be FOOD.
The prints are all fab :) I adore both FOOD and HOMESTEAD, but ALPHABET is my absolute favorite!
Thank you yourself for sharing your wonderful artwork and thoughts and the smiles they brought me.
Well, I love that you have that Jack Kerouac quote most of all! That is one of those things I memorized upon first coming across it at 15 and it's just lovely! I really like the I love my family the most though, hard to choose...
I have enjoyed your etsy shop for awhile now! I would love to have a print for my house or studio.
love the States United print...such a great concept!!
the alphabet one is a close second :)
I love the one featured at the top of the post -- Homestead -- as well as Alphabet. I've never really tried to win a giveaway, but I hope I win because I love these prints!
I love them all, Alphabet & States United are gorgeous, BUT Homestead is my favorite and would look incredible hanging in my mid century living room. LOVE IT!
These are lovely! I love "alphabeto"
I'm in love with the food one. It is adorable and appropriately odd. :)
This was a harder decision than I was expecting! I love them all, but I think Food is my fave. Thanks!
so warm... so pretty... i love my family and your print....well done!
I really really dig States United! Heartland is a fab title as well! Just lovely...
Amy, you find the coolest people. Love this print. This art is an entire essay, all in one eye-shot view.
Your alphabet is completely fabulous - I adore it.
The States United poster is so beautiful. I've been going through a lot with political division in my family and (on a wider scale) processing all that I see and hear and read in our political arenas. It's a lot to deal with sometimes - and important to remember that we are all connected by geography and homes if nothing else.
As a sidebar, I am so grateful to know Amy and to have spent time with her this weekend. We talked a lot about lifting people up if we could and receiving the same for ourselves and our own creativity and just lives in general from sharing stories and time. This post and your experience just affirmed that yet again. Best of luck to you.
You wanna know how ridiculous I am? I read this here a week ago and some how didn't realize it was a giveaway. I have had beauchamping's "Homestead" art print favorited for a jillion years. I want it with every passionate bit of my soul. I am 1/4 Cherokee and my family is my life--so you might say this is THE statement piece of the century for our living room. I am envisioning it over our woodstove right now.
Every finger crossed.
And every toe too.
@sarasophia on twitter
I love States United. It's a beautiful piece. Almost made me cry.
HOMESTEAD is my favorite because I love the message. It's simple and perfect.
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