there is fire in my belly and it wants to be let out
my desk sits against a window
against the window I have leaned a painting of William S.Burroughs
and in this painting his eyes are red
(against the black and white painting)
and he and I say things with our eyes
I open the top of my head
it is hinged
I reach in and take out the Portable Beat Reader
that is tattered and torn and I sing to him in operatic style
and he likes it and then I stay up for two days writing my novel
while my normal family sleeps so softly
while they all sweet and good take slumber and
create a woman in those dreams
who is not just like me
just wow!
email me your address, i'd like to send you a few things from my shop!
i'm reading how i became hettie jones right now.
huge beat fan - especially the women.
love to you.
i love it. makes you feel frustrated, manic and liberated all at the same time.
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