I am not calm.
I was so desperate I even consulted archival posts of GOOP for help for a nanosecond.
It is bad if I am kneeling at the alter of Gwennie.
But she makes me think it is possible to be serene.
And thin and in white pantsuits.
Dude. I must chill.
Whenever I tell myself to chill, I freak out more. Counterproductive? Why yes!
Hope things mellow out for you.
Eff the GOOP, baby. It's easy to be chill when you have 25 mill in the bank, tri-lingual nannies, and the luxury of twice-daily yoga.
Your sister in be-frazzlement:
Are you freaking over BlogHer? You will be awesome you know. Can't wait to hug you.
I can't help but wonder which article you were looking for.... ;)
Hang in there, toots! It will get better.
{Her damn beet shake broke my blender!}
I bet Gwyneth gets frazzled, too--she just has good make-up and hair people to make her look well-rested and serene.
Have you ever tried Valerian root? Works wonders.
That and chocolate! :)
Dude, there must be something in the air...I feel the way you look. Seems like I've been in a constant state of frazzled.
Hang in there, everything is cyclical...good stuff is right around the corner!
I just wanna say that I love you so much!!!!!
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