Follow the Bliss...

I wanna tell you about my girl Summer.
She is the mama of Fawn and Forest and I adore her.
I love how two people can never meet in real life but have a great and instant connection on line. We work together great as we have our products in her gorgeous and amazing shop and we have come to be online buddies too!
I love her great attitude to work and family- she is family first and lives life this one!!!
Love her! She inspires me as a mama and a business woman!
She has given us a cool list of 10 things she has learned in ten years....I think it rocks.
check it out here:
10 things I' ve learned in 10 years:
1. How to cook dinner for my family.
Once my first son started to eat, I had desire to cook my family real, whole (organic) food. A real
meal. Currently, my favorite cookbook is Super Natural Cooking and 101cookbooks.com. Also my
subscription to Everyday Food has been indispensable.
2. How to make chocolate chip cookies.
I have made countless batches of failed chocolate chip cookies. Though I still try new recipes,
this is the current winner.
3. How to have good posture.
This one is pending as I still find myself hunched over typing or nursing baby O. I do know that
exercise is key. Get those muscles working for you! My current fav is Tracy Anderson. She kills.
4. How to be funny.
Humor lightens the load. This is why inside jokes were invented. Children are always funny, too.
They say all the right things in wrong ways.
5. How to be aggressive.
If you are not your own biggest fan, nobody else will believe in you and invest their time, money
or insight. I'm fairly certain at this point that I can convince anybody to believe in and get excited
about my ideas.
6. How to throw a fun party.
The most fantastic parties are the ones where everyone feels loved + special.
7. How to be in love
10 years ago I met my husband at art school. He sat down at the table I was sitting at alone on
the 1st day + showed me his tattoo. We were instant best friends and even had every class
together. We briefly dated at the end of the school year. We were engaged by that September
and married in November. While I do not suggest going to art school, I do suggest marrying your
best friend.
8. How to salt food properly.
Growing up my mom never salted the food. I really had to learn how to do this and not be afraid of
9. How to be content + thankful.
...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and
I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every
situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything
through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13
10. Part ways.
After years of carting around stuff Iʼve learned to harvest my home of clutter and “stuff” that I just
don't need. I always have a donation bag going and have learned not to buy something just
because it's on sale.
Thanks Summer! These are awesome lessons for us all! Thank you for yr time. Please visit one of the coolest shops on the web and check out her blog too!
Beautiful. And I am a sucker for little kiddos' toes!
a lovely list--I'm such a fan of F&F--here's to choc chip cookies!
I have the pleasure of working with Summer too and it's so nice for me to read a little more about her here on your wonderful blog, thanks irene
I have had the pleasure of working with Summer too and it's dealt nice for me to read more about her here on your wonderful blog, thanks irene
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