I try and rise before the boys...Some sanity for at least 30 minutes of my day and coffee is the first thing that happens. I did live next to a Starbucks until it closed last year and that was heaven as I would stumble over in my PJ's and trench coat and grab my needs- but nowadays it is me and my drip coffee standing at the kitchen counter.
I write my to do list and think about my day.
It's funny how quickly something that feels good becomes a habit.
Coffee I love: Peets, Dunkin Donuts, and Jamaican blue mountain!
And Starbucks- iced or an americano...
What about you?
Enjoy some coffee loving over at spain daily
Love me some Peets!
starbucks serena organic...french pressed...with a touch of cinnamon. amazing. :-)
My husband bought me a Keurig for my birthday so I can have something different everyday. I love it!
Dewey's hazlenut in a little white cup, served in the smoky section of the restaurant which now sits empty, save for me and Mandy, waiting for you to get off work. Yes, you can have a drag of my cigarette. HEART your Blog, baby.
believe the hype about Jamaica Blue Mountain-it ROCKS. I went to Jamaica a few weeks back and the only souvenir I brought back was the coffee
I rise before my kids too: there's nothing like a quiet coffe before all the daily rush begins!
It´s a must that I get up before the hubby! Otherwise we would have been divorced years ago....grumpy doesn´t even cover the mood I´m in when I get up. I need at least an hour to get human. ;)
Have a great day, Jeannette
I sooo relate to this post.
I love the early morning bean grinding performed by my lover.xo. We've been committed to organic and fair trade beans for a long time; expensive but worth it on so many levels. I don't normally drink coffee outside of my home - unless it's at a fellow coffee lover's place.xo.
I wish I had enough willpower to get out of bed that early, but I don't!
For me, It's actually iced tea in the morning. And when I don't have that, hot tea. Can't live without it. That, and bagels. You know how hard it is for this Jersey girl to find a good bagel in this town? Try Brueggers if you're interested.
Nice photo; I like your little cup. I also like writing my to-do list while having coffee :)
Have a great day,
i wake up an hour before kids to have coffee etc...quiet. And today IT BACKFIRED on me and the kids all somehow they are all up now(yikes)asking for breakfast an hour early
i had Miss Aimee's morning yesterday...bummer girl. love my 30 minutes in the morn too. i am a mocha frapp in a bottle addict, but also love my keurig. coffee is such a very good thing.
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