God I love Kim Deal.
The Pixies were playing on the radio today and it was nearly perfect despite the bitter cold outside and all I could think about aside from my love for Kim Deal was how watching this old video makes me long to rush out and buy five or six of the Gap's favorite t-shirts in black and develop a sort of uniform for 2009. I grew up in these t-shirts and I have decided they are to be born again in 2009 for me.
I have looked lately like a preschooler allowed to dress herself for the first time as I walk the streets with my children.
I am at any moment expecting a fashion ambush from Stacey and Clinton or some sort of planned intervention from my stylish friends at a pub one night. I need a daily uniform. Life is too hard otherwise. I am think black t-shirts and jeans with bright red lipstick. That is what I am thinking. Watch out 2009 I am gonna get my good looking on again.

My God her waist is small.
photos rolling stone and gap
Her waist is that small? Or was the picture photoshop'd? I put my money on photoshop. My husband can make my waist a size 0. heh
No wonder I like you! :) The Pixies are my favorite band of all time. I think Kim Deal and Frank Black are absolute geniuses.
I live my life in fear of Stacey and Clinton ambushing me! I think a uniform is a good idea. It makes life--especially mornings--less complicated. Anything that allows me to make fewer decisions is good!
I would D.I.E. if I ever saw you on What Not To Wear. I heart that show!! I'd be so jealous :) $5,000 for clothes?! Jackpot, baby!!
that has been my uniform since 2001--I mix it up with a different colored top once in awhile (oh, the madness!) but it's mostly a black top, denim kind of day for me, and always, always with some lippy!
that is absolutely my uniform, sometimes with a black jacket, or with a blue jean jacket and maybe a scarf. Maybe black jeans. See, I'm crazy like that.
Saw the Pixies open for U2 back in the early 90s. Awesome!
i highly recommed uniforms.
black uniforms.
so when we finally meet, we'll know that we're supposed to totally work together.
I like that: Watch out 2009 I am gonna get my good looking on again.
I think I'm going to join you there. 2008 was definitely not a pretty year for me. I join the gym in the week, will schedule a haircut in early January and try to find some way to earn money again so that I can own clothes that I like.
A uniform makes everything so much easier and you can't go wrong with a black t. I dream of Stacey and Clinton whisking me off to make me fabulous....
At least preschoolers are cute! It could be worse - you could be wearing mom jeans and holiday themed sweaters (the kind with three dimensional chritmas ornaments or presents sewn in "for effect."
I think her waist is creepy, just for the record.
BUT. I love the Pixies. I have a friend whose boyfriend, once upon a time, dumped her to move in with Kim Deal.
And I always say: black turtleneck and jeans, keeping me happy since 1989. god, i'm getting old...
these days, i have been known to wear the same jeans, black tee, scarf, and cardigan for 5 full days in a row. it makes me happy in some strange way.
This is my first visit to your blog and with this post, I am sold.
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