I would like to introduce Susana from Mama's Village. We found each other last year- and I don't even recall how- it is just like we have always known each other! (Don't ya love that?) She is a brilliant woman full of love for this world. She is a writer and green mama in Canada. I love her recipes and her passion for doing good in this world. We have chatted and sent one another lovely wee parcels over the last year and developed a good friendship. She is a true urban mama and loves to photograph her daily adventures on Flickr. Susana is writing a cookbook too and I am going to be the first to buy one! I hope you find some inspiration over at her site or here with her words.
Follow the Bliss...DOWN-TO-EARTH PEOPLE
I am inspired by ordinary people who have done/do extraordinary things: always-cheerful Diane who works at the post office; always-gracious Josie who works at the supermarket; always-kind Dianne who teaches special education; my works-tirelessly husband; my two amazing children who want nothing but to play with me all day long. Assata Shakur sings of 'peaceful warriors', the dedicated, relentless, those that work tirelessly for others, for change. When I am tired/overwhelmed I try very hard to think selflessly, it is so hard.

I am human, I can be so weak, I am so insignificant, but I do try, I really do, because I want to make the world a better place for my children, my husband, myself, my neighbours, and 'those' who I'd rather not be my neighbours.
There are so many amazing creative mama sites I sip coffee with: Camp Creek Blog
Chicken Blog
Bliss Belly Chronicles:
In Chinese Astrology I'm a dog, which explains my absolute need for fresh air, long-endless walks in all types of weather and frolicking through piles of leaves, puddles and squishy mud. I have run 4 marathons, completed a bunch of triathlons and am secretly training for a half Ironman. I get to the finish line with a smile on my face because doing these events is a celebration that I'm healthy, that I have the financial resources to train/pay for the event fee and that I live in a peaceful country where athletes of all abilities can take over the streets for a day without having to worry about war etc. I love watching the Olympics, yet, I am more fascinated by the athletes' backstories. The ingredients that help people persevere, achieve, dream always gives me goosebumps. Though the Olympics always move me to tears, I continue to feel the same emotions when I'm cheering people completing their first 5k race, their 15h marathon, and more recently my children aged 2 & 4 who completed their first 500 metre cub run.
Outdoor play, fitness + fashion fun fix:
Copenhagen Cycle Chic: Streetstyle and Bike Advocacy in High Heels: Garden School Foundation:

When I am furious at the mounds of laundry I have to deal with; or ugly-frustrated that my children will not give me any 'space' to be; or when our family is having a fun Saturday night, we turn to the goddess of music. We either load up the CD player or have an impromptu jam session.
Some of the current CDs that we are shuffling in our 5 disc CD player include:
Coldplay, Ray Lamontagne, Dave Matthews Band - I have been known to listen to 'The Best of What's Around' a-l-l day long, Cheikh Lo, Tricky, Marvin Gaye, Red Hot Chili Peppers, U2, Jamiroquai, Duran Duran - 'Reach up for the Sunrise' has become a daily warm up/let's get into the day song.
Thank you so much for sharing Susana! kiss kiss
I'm honoured to be your love this Friday Amy. Thank you dearest friend who I can't wait to meet next year. xoxoxoxo
she sounds awesome. i can't wait to check her site out.
Only the imperfect are great. Never underestimate the power of who you are. I also love the stories behind the accomplishments.
Right now, right this moment which is 7:59pm NY time this reached me. Thank you for introducing Susana and thank you Susana for being you...a breath of fresh honest air in the world ...you both made my little world better today
Dear 180/360, Usiku, Natash, thank you for saying hello. Looking forward to spending more time with you dear fun loving people. xo
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