Follow the Bliss...
I want to introduce Ella from The Red Caboose. I found her on flickr long ago and fell in love with her sewing skills (like her matryoshka dolls OMG) She has a gorgeous wee one and lives a super creative and authentic life. I love her blog so much and I am so happy to have connected with this wonderful woman over the blogosphere. She inspires me with her photographs, Waldorf teachings, and the lovely calmness I find at her blog.
You will love Ella! xo

how to choose just 3 things that inspire...i think it goes without saying that Little A is my greatest inspiration so then 3 more... without hesitation i am deeply inspired by nature's light, fog, hailstorms of chestnuts, Autumn in all it's fiery splendor, cloud dances, the still of cold, crunch of snow, spring buds and the crescendo feeling of freedom leading to summer, it's berry bounty and Okanagan adventures... and so on in circles with the seasons. We bring nature into our home, not only to the nature table but into many corners where it's beauty may inspire our play, projects and activities. (like here at Little Red Caboose) in continuation with life cycles, there is no high higher than that of birth. i am an advocate of natural childbirth. Attending others births is inspiring and puts life right back into perspective for me. (like here at Little Red Caboose)
maybe that was 2 but i'm taking another because it would be silly not to mention that the very fibers stored upon my shelves are of great inspiration to me. i can procrastinate laundry and putting together a meal but should a parcel of fabrics arrive at my doorstep you will see a very efficient,organized and very happy me.

blogs, i discovered and fell in love with superbuzzy...delving deeper into my fabric obsession was inevitable. Further than the eye candy offered up on all these blogs, i began to really read some of them and while i can't keep up for lack of hours in the day there are many i love to return to, many of them for like minded mothering inspiration; Amanda Soule, Uncommon Grace, Kate at Birdnest, Krista of Big and Little, more recently Jodi of Che and Fidel, Emma Bradshaw...so many i feel bad not to mention them all but let me not forget my favorite crafty mama bloggers, the locals who i get to see and know in real life; Jane of Little Seedlings, Anna of One of a Handful and Shael of Little Bird Designs and there's more... i just haven't met them yet.
Thank you so much for sharing Ella! kiss kiss
photo credits - first shot Leanne Pedersen. second shot Sabrina.
what an incredible blog you have. so glad to know about it!
this post makes me long for seasons again... "crunch of snow," and the crescendo feeling leading up to summer - right on.
great interview! now I'm going to check out her blog ;)
Oh my. I LOVE her dolls!! Thanks for the intro!
Amy, I'm in love with those dolls! The Red Caboose is quite a find!
And, I do love that home page link that takes me right to your home page. Nicely done.
Yay, Ella (and Amy)! I loved this. Ella's list of things in nature which inspire her brought tears to my eyes. She is such an amazing person, has such a way with words, and I agree with you, Amy, she is so authentic. Loved this!
oh ella is a total rockstar. bright and shiny.
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