Way back when Etsy was just a new cool thing I discovered and not part of my daily life I stumbled across the loveliest art from this girl called Ashley G. I think my first purchase from Etsy was the print above for Finnian's room. I can recall how I would sit and stare at the screen at this amazing artists work. I loved how her work made me feel. I am starting a new weekly series about inspiration here on Doobleh-vay and I wanted to kick it off with Ashley! I not only bought art from this talented woman, but I got the inspiration to start my own shop!
I love reading her profile on Etsy. She says things like:
I strongly believe in what you're happiest doing at five is what you will be happiest doing your entire life. (come on! I love this woman- she is brill!)
I have followed her path from Etsy newbie to a major force in the design world. And as busy as you know this gorgeous gal is, she took the time to talk with me a bit. I wanted to share her words with you here and some images of her fabulous work. Please visit her shop and get some art for yr home. I can highly recommend the superhero print for wee ones. Finn looks at his everyday!
Can you just tell me a few things that inspire you and how you work- yr process?
Nature is for sure the most inspiring thing, followed by an inspiring space. My work process varies but it's usually me with my sketchbook, some pens and pencils and just sketching and sketching until something starts working out and feeling right.
I want to know some things about what is it really like to be a working artist...Do you ever just want to stop the madness and run away from it all or will you never again work for someone else?
I would really really like to stick to my guns and not work for anyone again unless it is a partnership, collaboration, or short-term project. The way the economy is, with the vast fluctuations we've all seen in the last year, I feel really fortunate to have a job that I like right now, a job that pays the bills. So, until the collective atmosphere of the US and beyond improves I think that's all I'm focusing on.

What are the three top things you wish you would have known before you started this journey?
1) People aren't as picky as I am (but I don't think I can change that for better or worse)
2) No matter what printer or printing process you choose it is going to be disastrous, heart-wrenching and frustrating at least once every couple of months.
3) The online community I've been lucky enough to become a part of is comprised of some awesome people! And in person, the ones I've met are just as great.
How is it working with yr lover?
The best and the worst thing ever : )
Have you made mistakes?
I'm sure tons, but I don't know of any MAJOR mistakes. It is certainly all one big learning process, though.

Have you made friends through this process?
I am really happy to say that I have. Other folks who sell on Etsy I like to call my "coworkers," and I've had a chance to get to know quite a few over the past two years. They really are generous, gracious, creative people. Now that I am in Portland I have met more in person and friends of their friends. I feel like I might not know anyone in this new city if it weren't for meeting fellow artists.
What are yr five top blogs/shops/etc on web?
Ohhh that's so tough. Umm daily I KNOW I look at Flickr, Design Sponge, D-Listed. I LOVE SkinStore.com (AWESOME customer service and free shipping), and I love to to browse through Etsy and Craigslist for vintage goodies if I can't get to a thrift store.
Who would you love to meet online?
Merlin Mann!

Where do you see yrself in two years?
Illustration, maybe product design, children's books and overall keeping on keeping on.
What did you think you would have been doing 7 years ago? Did you feel this?
7 years ago I was already sure I NEEDED to be self employed and create things for a living (but I've known those two for as long as I can remember). I wanted to create toys, children's books, illustrations, crafts, jewelry, sculpture. And I still want to do all of those things. Just some aren't as realistic as others. : )
Mayo or mustard?
Mustard! :)
Thank you to the amazing Ashley for kicking off the inspiration series that will begin this Friday.
It is called (It's Friday/I'm in Love!) and I have some amazing folks lined up for you! I am hoping for the Friday series to be a place to come and recharge yr batteries and find a bit of bliss. A little dip in the inspiration pool really? Kiss Kiss.
Thank you for producing such an awesome spotlight! A gorgeous way to start such a hopeful Monday. xo
I love AshleyG's work! Thank so much for doing this interview. It was great to read more about her.
girl, i knew i liked you! i have a couple of her prints hanging in my house! i still mean to get "gaggle of girls" because i cannot help but be totally in love with that print.
Great interview! I love that first print you bought. I need one for my boys.
i love this series Aim...awesome. and yes, she's totally brill:
what you're happiest doing at five is what you will be happiest doing your entire life.
She seems great! I can see why you are drawn to her and her art!
I love these prints! Thanks for sharing. I want one.
I really enjoyed this interview, and I love Ashley's work. Her shop was among the first I visited on etsy.
I love her work! What a great interview, too. I am so inspired by people who do what they're passionate about for a living.
What a great feature. Looking forward to "meeting" some more of the folk that inspire you.
Such a distinctive, uncommon look and feel to her art; it engages me immediately. Thanks for introducing us to Ashley--now that I've found her, I'll be back to visit and maybe buy!
Such fabulous work!
I absolutely love that artwork!
I love "Every boy". So cute and true!
i have a couple of her prints hanging in my house! i still mean to get "gaggle of girls" because i cannot help but be totally in love with that print.
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