I want to introduce Meg Rooks who is the amazing woman behind Pixiegenne. I started reading her last year after being knocked over on my can at what she can do with paper, glue, and vintage suitcases. I drool over cool stuff in her Etsy shop and find joy in her photography on flickr. If I ever get to Portland, Maine I wanna go thrifting with this cool chick. (and one other cool thing is Meg writes her post in lower case. Love that. I left it like that for you. She is a girl after my own heart with small quirky things like that... If yr reading my blog you know about this.)
What inspires you Meg?

1. vintage kids' books. i'm a children's librarian and have always had a thing for older books. i love the OMG moment of nostalgia when you come across a book you remember from your childhood. for me those include "doctor dan the bandage man", older childcraft treasuries, and "edith and the bear" among many others. my collection of old books started well before i began making things out of them and continues today.
2. thrift stores and tag sales. i inherited my love of thrifting. i'd like to say it stems from a deep environmental awareness but mostly i think i'm just cheap. my grandpa was ultra-frugal and very crafty. when my sisters and i were little, he made us a super-cool dollhouse from materials he got from his town dump (including the nails. after he died and we were cleaning out his work space, we came across a closet full of reclaimed nails in jars sorted by size). i love the idea of making something new out of something old and cast aside, and most of my crafts incorporate a bit of that.
3. blogs. i'm so inspired by what other people are making, wearing, thrifting, photographing, etc. here are a few of my all-time favorites and what inspires me most about them...
personal style: abby try again. besides being an amazing photographer and artist/crafter, abby has the best sense of fashion. i credit her with the current tights/knee-socks/boots/skirt combo i've been sporting.
thrifting: all buttoned up. i want melissa to take me to british columbia with her the next time she goes to visit her folks. that is clearly where all the really cool vintage stuff resides.
photography: huffmania. what to say - hannah is a really talented girl. i want some of her mad skillz.
crafting: house on hill road. erin is just so damn good at so many things and is insanely prolific. i wish i had an ounce of her motivation. it's a good thing she's so nice and cool and fun to have a beer with or i might have to hate her a little bit.
of course there are an embarrassing amount of other blogs that i read and am inspired by regularly. this is just a smattering.
Thank you so much for sharing Meg!!!
Kiss Kiss
Also-***Big thanks to Bobbi ( my Aussie gal) who responded to my plea for a wee banner for this series! A few others have offered to make them too- bring it on! We can switch them out or hold a contest next year or anything! I am just so challenged and I appreciate it!!! Check out Bobbi's blog The Girl who Loves to talk here.
I love these Friday I'm in Love series.
meg's life, work, and photography are *always* inspiring
I love older books too. They are the best.
ohh too sweet of you ... maybe I shoould make it a bit bigger??anyways if you have publisher on your puter it is really easy...
big fan of hers now...even bigger now that i know she writes in lower case letters!
thanks for the brilliant intro! xoxo.
thanks again, amy!
These are so fun! Great idea for a feature. And you find such wonderfully creative people (just like you!)
Great to meet you Meg! You have such fab friends Amy. Again, thanks for sharing them. xo
me? seriously. i'm a bit verklempt.
thanks amy and meg.
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