Today I checked my bank account and instead of flinching I levitated off my wooden chair in blissful fancy. My payment for writing for a national magazine had been deposited. I almost died, my heart surely stopped for a millisecond. My article won't hit until next year, but still it is real. I am so happy today. I will make good on a promise to a young son. Finn asked for a rather expensive LED flashlight with laser pointer. Rather he asks for it every time we go to the hardware store (which is a lot in this family) and back when it was still hot outside I told him that if I got an article published and some money in my pocket soon I would buy it for him as a reminder to keep positive and keep persistent. Well, today we are walking down to the hardware store. Nope- we are skipping!
lovely art by fastercat6860 on etsy
May the laser pointer lead the way to more success.
yippee yahoo to your perseverance and making good on your loving promise! XO
Hooray! Love of craft and love of child all in one?!
that's great news, amy! congratulations. :)
Congratulations! That's so exciting. You have to give details on when it publishes so we can all go buy it and send letters to the editor saying that we want to see a regular feature from Amy Turn Sharp!
Oh, hurray for you! Congrats! Big ones. And I'm sure Finn will be over-the-top with his gift.
now it's time to write the AMY book
see you
thank you all for yr kindness. Today was a great day and I am relaly glad I shared! xo
That really is great news Amy! I'm sure you guys had a blast picking up Finn's gift.
I second Kate Coveny Hood's comment!
Huzzah for money, and successful writing ventures, and promises kept!
That's wonderful Amy!!! Can't wait to read it.
How exciting! Congrats!
congratulations. I would be floating, too.
Just think of all the wonderful things the new year will bring. You get to see your work in print!
Congratulations! I can't wait to read it!
What a perfect day. That purchase is going to feel fantastic.
That is so fantastic and I am SO happy for you. Congratulations, Amy:)
very awesome blog some how i found you looking for things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia. I wish you nothing but the best.
!!! that's so awesome. I hope Fin is head over heels with his flashlight. Good Mama.
oh, YOU!
oh, my girl's all growns up. xoxo.
what a fantastic way to share your success *and* your fortitude. yes!!
I'm sorry for my delay on congratulating you! Yowsa!!! You are one rockin' hard workin' mama!!
You will let us know when it is going to be on the news stand, right?
I'm so happy for you, and proud of you. Go Amy!
I am soooo proud of you!! That is flipping so exciting!!!! Wooo HOO!!
How exciting! It will certainly not be the last one!
Amazing! Congratulations and hugs.
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