I am a kirtsy editor ya know!
I love to find all sorts of cool stuff round the web and talk about it on Kirtsy...
Well I need some new inspiration pots.
I need some honey...
I feel like I read a lot of the same sites daily(that I love insanely) but I still I need some new ones. I need personal blogs, design blogs, websites that rock, cooking blogs, new stores, etsy shops... I am just asking. Feel free to pimp yrselfand at least one other cool site out in the comments? I really appreciate it! Who should I be reading? Come on now- yr wicked cooler than me. Help a gal out?
xo Kiss Kiss
Etsy shop photo from Wren and Chickadee
Bub and Pie, without a doubt. I love her. (http://bubandpie.blogspot.com/) And Jenica, who's creativity and love-filled life brings tears to my eyes way too often. (http://theonelittleone.blogspot.com/) Not sure what types of blogs you're looking for, but these two can surely fill some void.
You are too cute.
Can't wait to see what new reads you introduce me to via Kirtsy!!
I have to recommend La Fuji Mama http://lafujimama.blogspot.com/
She posts a lot of recipes and mixes in crafts sometimes. She recently moved back to the states from Japan. Let me know what you think.
My favorite blog right now: Yes We Can (hold babies). I get a little teary every time I go to the site.
I'll think about it, but you already seem to frequent my favorite blogs!
How 'bout me? http://www.theredheadedlefty.com/
Can't believe I feel inspired by myself. But really.
I just clicked over from kootoyoo and she had you listed in the most delightful group of blogs...
My goodness! I just expanded your blog roll - that's a ton of blogs!!! I think all of the ones I like are already on there, to be honest. How about The Lucky Nest? (http://www.theluckynest.com/) or Operation Nice? http://www.operationnice.com/
There's always my little blog, too, of course. :-) http://mwazloves.blogspot.com/
Whether I'm out for a run, or a bike ride or sweating my guts out in a Spin class, I get a lot of motivation from fantasizing that I look like one of those gorgeous cycling dames over http://www.copenhagencyclechic.com/
One of my favorites is IPrettyMuchHateEverything.com. Love her photography..
Here is a wonderful post that I really thought someone should kirtsy (I'm kind of kirsty challenged and haven't been able to log in). What that poor mom is going through...and then to have the strength and spirit to do THIS:
By the way - I don't think I'm on your blog roll. That's just not right Amy.
OH - another one I like is alreadypretty.com. I found Sal on the Daddy Likey site (another one of my favorites) and she just makes me happy. She is like a Rachel Zoe for the regular girl. Plus I love her spunkiness. I'm not very spunky - so I always appreciate that quality in others.
thank you guys so much! I am going to round all these up and read em and post em! xoxoxo
Martha's right hand man and he's a contestant on Bravo's Top Design this season
simmertilldone.com - great recipes, stories & photography
http://luckypork.blogspot.com/ - hysterical daily cartoon chronicalling the author's adventures.
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