Monday, September 15, 2008

A soul in tension that's learning to fly

I have power again! And I have no idea why?
Our street is closed and there are three giant trees in the middle of the road and power lines a swinging in the wind,but I am not going to question it.
I am just delirious with happiness.
I had two writing deadlines this week and was crying!
I also went to the market yesterday morning!
I was trying to save my meat in buckets of ice!
I had a chicken in a champagne bucket and beef in a pitcher!

I still am in a bit of shock over what it must be like to be in a real hurricane or big storm. This is nothing really. We were able to go to bed and sleep and know that everyone was safe last night at least.
We were lucky.
outside my house:

*****and I have extended the CONTEST until 9/20 for a chance to WIN FREE YEAR SUPPLY OF SCOTT'S TOILET PAPER and A WICKED COOL BOOK here and here. (my little review site)
Wipe yr butt for free for a year? come on!

Get me delivered to yr email xo


I can't find my blog said...

Oh my! What a mess! So glad yr ok!

Christina said...

Wow, look at all those limbs down! We didn't have nearly that kind of damage in our neighborhood.

Glad you have power again! I think we're the only ones who didn't have any power problems.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This really does make you wonder about the devestation for those who had to endure the worst of Ike...

Anonymous said...

wow..those are some pictures.. holy cow..glad everyone is okay..


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