Wednesday, September 10, 2008

put yr arms around me baby/put yr arms around me baby

Falafel tastes like donkey tonight.
Welcome to my world.
It is busy round here and I am working on lots of coolness- I will share soon.
I am just not at all together.
I open my reader and look at folks inside their perfect little worlds and then this is dinner at my house:

I know it is perfect here too though, in a strange way.
I love table dancing in the dining room that so wants to be my kitchen.
One whole year of eating in this wretched space. Ugh.
I can't wait to sell that other house and do this addition.
Could I complain more?
I wish I had some sort of diagnosis to my issues.
I have been blue this past month. Blue bonnet. But, I am not depressed. I am just not. I am just very slutty with the stress and I live a very visceral life. I am my own kind of nightmare to myself.

Things are going to get better and the most important of all things are right in front of me:

I mean, look at these three boys.
They are gorgeous and yes in the background you might hear this song.
What kind of mother am I?


Elan Morgan said...

That actually looks like a great family meal, despite the nasty donkey falafel. I think we should all dance on tables more.

karey m. said...

you're a mother who has boys who dance on tables and have kickass senses of humor.

it's so not about how things look. i hope you sell your other home just so you lose some worry...but this home looks just lovely. as is.

Abby said...

I love this. Yes, Gin & Juice is an awesome kid song. Donkey should always be served for dinner.

Our Green Nest said...

Looks like a fun dinner! You have an awesome contagious laugh Amy! Please don't feel blue!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS. Love it!! I wish I was there.

THIS is perfection. You and your little family. This is what I am working on, for me.

village mama said...

I will copycat karey, I too 'hope you sell your other home just so you lose some worry'. May you and yours have sweet dreams. xoxo


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