We have made a little update to the shop. I am going gaga over the new maple toy Joe made. She is called Lil Lark Roller and she is gorgeous. We also made a Egg Shaker too! Today has been filled with work and cleaning and lots of sweat. I hope as the night falls we can relax. It is hot today. It is looking like a beer and carport kinda night. Kiss Kiss.
That is absolutely the neatest thing I have seen in awhile... I love it!
Love it--she's just dar;ing!
Super fab! Your "kiss kiss" reminds me of what my sis and I say at the end of e-mails "Kiss Kiss, Love Love" of "KKLL". I may have to ad that to my signature ☺
I have missed you! I'm back and will be commenting again, sorry it's been so long - I'm off to check out what I missed : )
Adorable! And I love that Egg Shaker. Don't stop making these lovely goodies. I want them to still be available when I get preg!!
The Lil Lark roller is adorable, I've always preferred wooden toys over the plastic ones.
I just hopped over to your etsy shop again and took a closer look. I just realized I saw you at the craft swap table at BlogHer. I tried to make my way over but your table was too crowded. It was the twine wrapped clothes pins that caught my eye.
What a sweet little number...just makes you smile, doesn't it?!
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