While reading about insects this morning (I am so over newest bug fascination) Finn and I decided to plan our summer camp. I feel way behind time because back in the working education world I would have already had my plans submitted and field trips approved and calenders made for the summer program I led for 7 years. My energy was always super high at this stage of the game as I looked forward to all of the cool themes and trips I had planned for my students. I left my job last July and with a 6 month old, moving into a new house, and the overwhelming SAHM experience new vibe, I was too freaked to plan much of a schedule. This year I going back to basics, to the place I thrive. I am planning a mini summer camp for the boys. A planned, but never strict schedule of themes, lessons, and field trips. I might not be able to do much else today bc I am so excited about Finnian's enthusiasm. We spent an HOUR planning our calendar and rubbing our hands together like mad scientists.
I am already in talks with some local pals who are going to join our "camp" summer schedule and perhaps meet up for field trips and I would love to invite you to join in virtually! I can get really into these types of theme units and would be happy to post lessons and activities and create packets if you all are interested. This used to be my work life and I think it is silly not to recreate it in my real life. I would love to share.
If you are interested in a summer camp packet
please email me at amytsharp(at) gmail (dot) com!
lucky campers!
That is a great idea Amy!!! We never really "plan" things, just sort of play it by ear. You are really starting to get me thinking of a more "organized" life!!! Thank you!
I am off to email ya.. sounds like a great idea..
this is going to be such an incredible memory for them. especially when they grow up, become parents, and really, really understand what you did for them. and with them.
i like this one.
So cool! And the lunatic paper fanatic in me loves the notebook picture :)
great idea, guess I should do that to....if not I stay 6 weeks in the garden... lol
How absolutely wonderful and inspiring!
What a great idea and thanks for the (virtual) invite! I always do better with a plan and I would love to take advantage of your experience. I'm not sure how much my toddler will be able to do, but we'll join you whenever we can!
I freaking love this idea.
I'm totally going to do this except I've never been to camp so I don't know what they do. Pole dancing? Apple-bobbing? Help me out here.
PS. This was featured on GoodMom/BadMom so get down with your bad self. http://blogs.chron.com/goodmombadmom/2008/05/blog_round_up.html
THat is cool.
Great idea, I am glad to see you working in your pre-mom identity. Takes awhile imho, to make the transition to SAHMdom. Looks like you two are having such fun planning! What a great idea. Will have to adopt this strategy with my 5yo for summer!
First of all, sweet idea. sounds like you are very organized.
now, on with the insects! My husband was an entomology major in college, so we always have a lot of bugs in our lives. Lately, we have been starting a collection on our mantle, and I've found some really cool and super cheap specimens in lucite on ebay. They ship from Hong Kong & most are under $10 each. Your little guy will be able to examine each bug from all angles. anyway, just thought i'd share (http://stores.ebay.com/Gao-Fu-Collectibles_Insect-Animal_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ2QQftidZ2QQtZkm)
I think this sounds awesome! Dec's going to do a bit of summer fun camp, but I'd love to do some of this with you.
I found your blog through designmom. You're inspiring me!! Thanks for the grand ideas!
I'm doing something similar this summer with my boys (3 and almost 5). I will e mail you as well.
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