We ended up at the Pig Iron BBQ pit where we all ingested entirely too much pork and reveled at the old pick up truck turned into a bar. I am tired and my house is wretched, but it was a great day. Sometimes it is good for me to go off schedule and stop trying to force a day to be something that it might not want to be. I will miss Patrick too. Its funny how those friends from your true formative years are so important. I like that Patrick knew me wild and reckless way back then and how now he knows me as a mama. He knows me, that's the key. He's a good friend to us and I am going to slip little love notes in his backpack right now.
***Yo. Bloggess- yr name came out of the hat for the 300th post. You win a little treat from me. How do you get to be so cute and lucky? unfair. :) Send me yr addy! xo amy
I just love days like that.
And finding little love notes. I am inspired to leave one for my husband now. :)
Your boy is a-DOR-able. It sounds like you all had a fun time :)
i love it when a visitor knocks us out of the normal routine... especially one that knew me back then, before being a mama. sometimes it's hard to remember life pre-mama when you're in the thick of it.
I WON! Wait, what did I win? Is it a blister on my little toe? Because I already have that.
wonderful to be plucked out of our routines and 'must-bes'...especially when it involves inflatable pools. XO
It's so cute that he wanted to "keep" him. :)
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