We made felt hanging mobiles today. I think we may string them together and frame Finn's doorway with the sweet circles. Like a cool kids version of the 70's bead curtain... We listened to The Essential Judy Garland and ate cold pancakes. We are making mothers day gifts that are so sub par this year that I cannot in good faith share any sort of photos or tutorials. It has been busy and time is running out. Grannies know we love them even if our paper crafts are crap right?
I am off to make a frappe-

I drink these all day long when it is warm out. When I lived on Mykonos I became a bit of a junkie for the Nescafe and for the strong Greek Coffee! I was so highly caffienated that I smiled the entire time I lived there. Shop owners and gyros boys would call from small open windows, "Here comes Ms. America." I loved it.
I also fell for creperies and have yet to recreate a crepe in real life like one in Mykonos town. It is kinda like when I go to eat at a Mexican restaurant and I nearly die in ecstasy at the white cheese that melts all over my food and makes me curl my toes in pleasure. I always ask the server (to Joe's horror) what kind of cheese it is and where I can purchase it. Every single time the server tells me with a shrug, "Mexican cheese". I can't make a crepe or find my elusive cheese, but I can frappe yr heart out. Check this video out and make one!
OMG I've missed those frappes! Nothing from Starbucks will ever compare!
Yeah right, I'm sure your Mother's Day crafts are crap! Please! Sell it to someone who doesn't know you lady. If you want to see crap crafts, I'll come over and show you some.
I'm going to tune in tomorrow to see which Super Hero outfit Finn will be wearing. My son is getting really jealous!
shake it baby, love it!!
Mexican Cheese:
It's probably queso blanco, but cotija is popular, too.
Can I come to your house to make cards and listen to Judy Garland?! Sigh.
Try looking for quesadilla cheese. I can find it at my grocery store - last time I bought it at Aldi, actually. Shred it, and it melts really well.
We (that is, I) made silhouettes for the moms for M-day this year, and they turned out so well that the women at Hallmark asked me if I made them PROFESSIONALLY! That never happens, because I am not at all crafty. So, if you need another idea....
Amy @ http://prettybabies.blogspot.com
Felt is always fun isn't it(?), it's a bonus when something like your curtains are the end project. Yay Finn!
queso blanco or chihuahua--chihuahua is my choice. Both available at Whole Foods. I really miss my Chicago neighborhood. Mexican cheese of every ilk for next-to-nothing at the neighborhood grocery.
My favorite was when it said "Poor some milk" heehee.
The beginning of the tutorial made me want to watch 16 Candles, "no more yankie my wankie, the Donger needs sleep!"--love that movie!
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