Brand new hard drive and nothing could be saved as it was a major malfunction.
I am trying hard to forget about the last 6 months of photos and the last 8 weeks of my novel and all those book marks and software...OH MY. It really takes some resolve for me not to get depressed. I simply have to learn from this dammit. Back up back up back up.
I am feeling less than creative this weekend though. I think I am allowing myself to stew a bit and not force myself to create.
I am organizing tonight and unfurrowing my brow.
Today was sweet as it was my BFF Michelle's daughter Mia's first birthday party. I met Michelle in the 5th grade. Unicorns, LYLAS, swatches, charm necklaces and the rest is history. Years. I loved her Baby's Prom theme! We all dressed up and had a blast. My favorite photo is not of Mia and her cake or all the lovely kids, but of Michelle filming her daughter eat her birthday cake while we all sang. It is that sweet moment I caught that makes a lump rise in my throat and tears threaten my eyes now. It is the moment of yr child's first birthday and of all milestones realized and recognized in an instant.

Happy birthday to mia, and happy one year of motherhood to michelle. It is a milestone for everyone in a family:)
The party sounds like it was wonderful... I love the pictures. As far as the computer melt down, I know exactly how you feel. The same thing happened to ours a while back. We haven't taken it in yet. It was when I won this new one, but there is a sense of loss...
GREAT picture of your friend Michelle. I can't wait to have that moment myself someday.
I am SORRY about your computer. I am going to learn from you and back my stuff up, I think...
I LOVE that first pic -- so beautiful! So glad you caught it!
I'm very very very sorry about the lost stuff. I know the pain of it and words are inadequate. :( I use and love it because it's an absolutely brain-free way to keep everything backed up. Dawn gives it two thumbs up!!!!
Oh Amy, I am so sorry about your data loss! It's just awful! You've reminded me I've got to find a way to do some backups, though.
I had a Mac in college that died, and took my senior thesis with it. I lost 2 weeks' work, a week before my defense. And the guys at the Mac dealer could've cared less. I've owned a PC ever since, and none of them has just died like that. But I shouldn't jinx myself, knock wood, as I type this on a 7 year old laptop. Yikes!
That picture of Michelle is just as you describe it - and shows that she is a fabulous mom.
I really feel for you about the computer problems. That would seriously depress me.
Great party pics. So sorry to hear about your computer. Our hard drive crashed a few months ago, but luckily a computer savy friend was able to pretty much save every file in our documents. The most painful part was buying a new pc...
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