Finn has been dying to ride the city bus. He has a lot of school bus riding experience with me as I took him on several school field trips in 2006-2007 before I "retired". When we became a one truck family I thought it was time to start the public transport primer. I actually love riding the bus. People will gag now.
I think my appreciation for the bus came with the 7 years I worked in the inner city. I took my students on numerous field trips on the bus and every summer during summer school and summer programming me and at least 15 kids rode the city bus nearly every day to the downtown library. I loved all of the colorful characters on the bus. I loved seeing my students confidence with the workings of the city. I loved that someones uncle or neighbor or someone they knew was always riding the bus with us. I loved the bus drivers. (Mean Lady and Mr. Cutie and all the stories they told us... ) Those bus routes became so effortless and simple and secure. Even in the deep parts of the city where people were constantly telling me to be safe... I loved the bus.
Our weekly play date is starting to get tricky with Joe spinning into his busy busy season and we are thinking we are going to ride the bus there on Tuesday nights. I think it will be just another adventure. It is earth day today. Hurrah! I think the public transportation lesson fell perfectly on the calendar.
Finn now thinks however that I should purchase shoes like the young ladies in the above photograph. He said that she had lovely lady shoes and that I should wear them. I looked down at my shoes and hairy legs and kinda agreed with him. I said perhaps some fancy shoes this weekend babe? When daddy and mommy go out? I am so looking forward to Friday. My parents are taking the boys for the whole weekend and Joe and I are having a date. I miss dates.
At least the weather is allowing for our makeshift dating to start: Put kids to bed/drink wine out under the carport/make out
Those are some lovely lady shoes.
We miss public transportation, particularlty the train variety. We were carless for our four years in Chicago, so hopping a train (or a train, a bus, and another train depending on location) was a matter of course. Long visits to DC and a year in San Francisco have cemented the idea that the train (and in SF, the streetcar) are the way to go. Personally, I'd skip the bus if I could, but one of my best memories of life in Chicago is the bus ride I took on 9/11. All that community in one small space...
Again, loving Finn in his Optimus Prime costume giving you a lesson in fashion/footwear! LOL! LOVE HIM!
The bus idea sounds great, although I have never lived anywhere where they had a public bus system... I am like Finn, I would like to try it some time... The date and the carport sounds LOVELY!!! My significant other and I had the very rare time alone (even though it was to Lancaster for him to get back injections!), and I armed with a few coupons treated us to a lunch together... The first in say like maybe say, uh, 5 years... Sad but true! Anyhow, it was very neat looking at him again across the table with just the two of us. We need to work on this!
public transport, oh yeah!
tipsy-while-makin' out, enjoy!!
I love how kids feel not only comfortable but boss in costumes. Cool post. Its funny, the title (from Brim Full of Asha, right?) is the tuneage from my latest video on my site. We must be on the same wave length. Now, I must go, get the wine and head to the carport. ;)
hey, i just took the bus last night for the first time in aaaages, and I brought along a little sewing project and got to listen to 10 interesting conversation snippets and in general enjoyed the whole shebang. now to bring the little ones, who would *really* enjoy it...
I've been riding the bus again the past few weeks. First time on it in nearly 10 years since I was at OSU. COTA gets a bad rap sometime, but I've always found the bus to be clean, safe, and fairly reliable. Especially when compared to my car, which I don't keep clean and will make me just as late trying to get where I need to go. ;)
I've even been taking my 7 month old son along for the ride. Babies are quite the conversation magnet. ha!
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