I can hear grumpy wee voices and rattles and constant dropping of toys against the hardwood
I can hear the low murmur of kids PBS shows
he is doing his best with me in this constant state of ill
I have been in the bed since 7pm last night
I was at the antique shop buying old piano rolls
because they spoke to me
and all of the sudden I felt like a shivering wreck of crunchy coughs
it is flu or bronchitis or something funky
but I can't get into my doctor until the morning
So I just stay in this bed
this bed above the play room and
listen to the boys
listen to Joe forge his own way through the day
listen to the subtraction of me
I hope you feel better soon.. And it does not surprise me that even sick you can post something so beautiful..
The 'subtraction of me', man, even when you are ill, so ill your rhymes and imagination just ROCK! Get rest, lots of it. XO
feel better homes!
I always enjoy the titles of your entries (especially when I can immediately identify it). But this one ROCKS!! I am Moving Right Along to the DVD rack now.
Amy , dear get better soon
I love your blog and feel for you, I am recovering from a winter sickness and now my boys have it! Yuck.
I hope you feel better soon.
PS I love the titles of your posts also.
aka Montessori Mama
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