My gran sews and has pretty much done all of my basic mending and fixing over the years. I have been enabled to never learn. So anyhoo, I keep seeing these wicked crafty bitches all over the blogosphere and I am in amazement...I am in awe. I wanna be crafty. I am artistic. I need to learn fiber arts. I wanna knit while on public transport. I wanna be a hooker. Sew- Finn and I made this cat today. Her name is LALA and I love her. She is shabby and a mess I am sure- but we are proud of her. I basically needed a drink when I was finished, but I feel good. I am going to buy that Bend the Rules book and hole up this winter. I might even cross stitch subversively.

One other thing. I think this is bad ass:
Hey, you should be damn proud. I have worked in a sewing factory and all. Sienna and I made sock puppets and I can tell you- they sure didn't end up nice like this!!! So, give yourself a pat on the back. Good job.
Thanks sweets- I tried so hard! It was fun to play with Finn. This has been one of the most creative times for a long time- this summer...How's yr blog?
I think she's great! What a fun project that you'll both remember for years. PS. I can help teach you to knit/crochet. I'm thinking of starting to hold a regular, weekly Stitch n Bitch (or Church of Craft or whatever) at a coffee shop or somewhere this winter. You're invited.
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