We went to the library and checked out some craft books and one of them focused on recycled art. Finn loved the idea of making art out of trash! So, we dug through the bin and created some cool things this weekend. We made some finger puppets out of egg cartons and a cool boat that we sailed in the "rumpke river"! I am currently obsessed with creating a crafting corner/art space for Finn in our house for upcoming winter. I want to incorporate it into the playroom. I am wondering what inexpensive storage type unit I could purchase? Any ideas fellow smartie pants? How can I create an art oasis for kids on the cheap? I want to be able to let go of the control of tidiness and really have a place he can do art with out worry. I want him to be free to create and not nag about the mess. When did I start to worry about mess? I recall about 6 years ago when I did a chair for this art chair auction and littered our entire apartment with a million and one white feathers as I was creating an angel chair. Joe sneezed for a month! I used to not care. I would throw paint at walls and laugh. I was so free then. What happened to me? I am working on this neurosis. I really am. And, yes- garbage boats float. 

We made sailboats this summer out of styrofoam egg cartons and a vinyl table cloth. They were pretty cool, they worked.
Oasis for kids on the cheap, hmmm, Ikea? The cooks store has those metal baking racks in all kinds of sizes that are cool too. They last forever, and are versitle, come in black and chrome.
Yes, what happened to that me that used to not worry about the mess. I'm a nervous wreck about the messes sometimes. Like right now...
You've got too precious boys, and you are a good momma who knows how to have fun!!!
loving that baby face. made my day.
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