Monday, January 3, 2011

The baby rolled over this week too

Today was a good day for a Monday. We made Harry Potter glasses and wands and played in our new tee pee. I tried to be mindful of my 2011 goal to stop stressing over things so much. I drank loads of tea and used Rescue Remedy. I feel much better about moving my office from the playroom. It used to work for me. It does not anymore. I need "work" away from daily life. I don't want to look at it when these gorgeous boys are around. I know I will slip. I know I will start to amp myself up and get all nutty and frazzled again. Just not today. And hopefully a hell of a lot less in 2011 than 2010.

homemade Harry Potter

homemade Harry Potter

new years teepee


Sizzle said...

All you can do, lady, is take it day by day. If tomorrow you slip, well, you start again the next day. As a recovering addict to beating myself up and being stressed all the time, I can say it's very liberating to stop the berating. Good for you!

I covet your mid century chairs, by the way.

180360 said...

You have the cutest boys and house! I'm wishing for a mellow and peaceful year as well. xo


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