
Hi Kids, it's your Uncle Beefy! No, not the one you wanna avoid at the family picnic because of plaid pants and that odiferous ben-gay scent. But the one in plaid pants who's fun to hang with havin' some cocktails! C'mon! Well, that's what the nurses here at the institution tell me anyway. I kid! There are no nurses here in solitary confinement! ;) Yeah, don't worry I'm done.
Now. If any of all y'all know me, you know that I am something of a foodie. Not the snobby kind but more the kind who just j'adores food. I love it ritzy and high-brow, or peanut shells on the ground nitty gritty (but if we go "nitty gritty" just don't let anyone beat me up).
One of my most beloved food places to peruse was Gourmet Magazine and it's demise has left me bereft of culinary inspiration. Thankfully, thus far, they've had the good sense to at least leave the website in tact and you can find droves of Gourmet recipes over at Epicurious. Whew! So I just thought I'd lead you to some of my all time favorites (and they're easy peasy, to boot!) that I've tried over the years. As you're about to witness, I am not a man afraid of a carb or two. Dr. Atkins and I? Oh, we woulda had a serious throw down!!! A'ight! So grab a glass o' champagne (Rule #1 - Only drink champagne between the times of 6:00am & 5:59am.) and see if you don't find a little kitchen inspiration for this week!
Keep it fresh, y'all!
Recipe links:
Alsatian Cheese Tart
Gemelli with Broccoli Rabe and Anchovies
Fettuccine with Sausage and Kale
loved this post. and i don't even cook.
your first paragraph killed me. i so enjoy your jokes, mister.
Oh, sweet baby jesus you make me giggle! And boy do you make these treats sound good....yum...champagne. Is it wrong that I would like some now? At 12:43pm? Love it!
Oh, Beefy. You are one of my favorites! :)
Nutella sauce, nutella sauce, nutella sauce, ahhhhh, nutella sauce........
Thanks for all the sweet comments, Ladies! :) And, for the record, no time is a bad time for Champagne!
Thanks, Miss Amy for havin' me around! Hope it's not too hard gettin' that anchovy smell outta yer blog? ;)
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