Thursday, August 20, 2009

days like these/book deal day dreams and large lattes

I am excited about my day.
Joe's work fell through and the workshop is closed for an expo today and it is raining.
There are about 5,000 home projects that Joe could do if it were a sunny day. GRRR.
But- Joe is giving me a gift later.
After nap he is spending some time with the boys and letting me write.
Like all day.
Like in a coffee shop and everything.

My poor novel.
I am such a tease to it.
I love it like a bitch one month and then ignore it the next.
Life is so frantic but I need to find more dedication.
I need to finish this beast and find an agent and learn about what comes next.
I need a book deal and attention and I am so crabby.
There are little strokes spread out on pages of white
that when looked at with love form something magical for me.
I feel like this story is a good one.
I hope you will read it.

My friend Megan is announcing to the world her desire to write a book too.
I feel her exhale and everything. I feel it.
It felt good to tell everyone I was doing this- but at the same time it scares me that it has taken so long to get to even this point.
I had no idea that a new business and freelance writing and life
would take away this precious time I had planned to devote.
Man. Man.
Today will be a big help.
Loads of people don't even get a stretch of four hours to themselves.
I know this.
I just feel like I need three days in The Westin or something.
Hole up and explode.

Just three tiny days
to tell you all the things
that will make you want to curl up someday with me
in yr hands
and go someplace

because you must not give up on yr dreams.
Keep repeating that all the freaking time.


Melisa Wells said...

Yes, yes, yes!

"My poor novel.
I am such a tease to it.
I love it like a bitch one month and then ignore it the next."

Replace the word "novel" with "non-fiction travel guide" and I could've written that. I started work on mine (again) yesterday, and I am invigorated...

...AND praying that the feeling lasts; it has to, in order to me to be motivated enough to move mountains to make time to write it!

Eyes on the prize!!!

Sizzle said...

I'm glad the three days in a hotel isn't for a binge. ;-)

Rowena said...

I feel the same about my novel right now. I'm ignoring it totally, pulling the wool over it. Shhh. We're pretending it can't hear us.

jess said...

i, for one, have complete faith that time will be given to us when we need it and that you will find that time and continue to inspire and be delicious.

Ed said...

See, now I have something to look forward to. Write, you. Write like the wind. We'll be here when it's done, eager to consume.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I used to think it sounded like such a cliche when people would talk about there not being enough hours in the day. Now my whole life is beat the clock. There is so much that I want to do, but don't have time. I resent sleep... But then I remember that it's supposed to help with the wrinkles...I can't win.

I can't wait to read your novel. I want an autographed copy.

Jodi said...

I cannot wait to curl up with you!

Unknown said...

I've only found you recently, but your book will be selfish coffee shop read too.. unwrapping all your sentences, reading bits out loud like a poet .
I hope you get the time to make this happen.

Megan {Velveteen Mind} said...

I had truly mixed emotions about admitting that I want to write a book. Largely because I'm a blogger. And it's just such a stereotype. But I don't think of myself as a blogger!

I decided to pull a book out of my bookshelf about book publishing yesterday. Finally just read it. So much of it is about building your platform. Passages like, "See if you can get a blog to mention you." and "If you could land a spot on a conference panel..." Sigh. I mean, really?

Could it be possible that we've built our platform? That it's time to find that agent and get that book written? That seems wild.

And worst of all, now I've gone and admitted what I want. So all the world will see if I don't make it happen. ;)

Heather said...

No Westin for me, but oh how I would love to escape back up to Maine, to the beach house we rented and have all day to write and walk and wander and finally get going on the thing that is just yet an idea. Well, I am going to Squam so that will be woodsy and lakeside and blissfully kid free. ;-)

A whole day in the middle of the week sounds heavenly!

Unknown said...

Days to write...the thought is positively pornographic. Linked days to dwell, revise, finish a thought...

Aspen Real Life said...

I followed you over here from Twitter and #FF.

What a luxury for you to have uninterrupted time for your writing!

After a summer spent entertaining my three boys, I so NEEEEED that. Actually, I would prefer to be dropped off at an island for a week with my laptop, a good book and a philosophical, handsome bartender at a tiki bar serving fresh lime juice margarita's and an outdoor dance floor with a dj who plays music from this millennium.

laurie said...

no you can't let it go. you just have to keep going. it's harder sometimes than others. i hope the writing went well.


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